Back by popular demand it's...ME! Sorry it's been 15 whole days since I blogged and 26 days since I Vlogged! It's a crime I know! But I go back to school in like 23 T-minus 23 days until we're back to the daily blogs [which I know you all miss. HAHA]! So yes. ENJOY!
Much Love.
"Danny has a really sexy voice."-Me, stating the obvious to Kaity about Danny from McFly's voice. LOVE HIM!
Hey bloggin' buddies! Sorry it's been so long since I checked in. But I have many scandals to share, starting with the fourth of July! I hope everyone had a fabulous fourth! I know I did! Every year my grandparents come over on the 4th to help me and my family get ready for yet another tradition: the fourth of July Boat Parade! Living in Michigan basically translates to living on a lake and the one I live on has a boat parade every year with a contest to see who can decorate their boat the best. And it just so happens my family has won this contest quite a few times! So we got the whole gang together to turn our boat into one big fourth of July party! And you know how much I love parties!

After the boat parade I met up with Kaity, Britt, Nick, Kyle and the whole gang and we got ready to watch the Clarkston fireworks! I love fireworks! Plus there was the live band and lots of catching up to do with everyone about the latest scandals. Every year I've gone to Clintonwood park which is where they shoot off the fireworks and there’s all kinds of fun stuff to do before the big bang begins! There’s carnival food, volleyball, a live band and you get to see basically everyone in town all in one place! I think this fourth of July was the best one ever! It was really fun to spend the whole evening with Kyle. I parked at his house and we walked to Clintonwood which took forever since it was WAY farther than I thought it was going to be! Plus that meant we had to walk back as well! I was exhausted so it took even longer than it did to get there. But hey, we saved 5 dollars for not having to park and we got to just hang out and talk on the way there. I was supposed to go over to Kaity's after but it was WAY late and I was so tired I couldn't make it and neither could she. Plus the next day was the day our destinies were supposed to be fulfilled.

IT WAS THE SUPER EPIFABICAL JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT!!!!! THE DAY I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR MONTHS! I was lucky enough to have fabulous seats to the first US tour date with my two fellow Jo Bro lovers Kaity and Nats!! This concert was by far the best concert I’ve ever been to. It even trumped the Spice Girls, no joke. We spent the whole day at the venue signing the boys’ bus, making a music video and creating our very own special “We Heart JB” posters! WHICH SCANDAL ALERT: They weren't allowing posters in so we had to THROW THEM OUT! THOSE EPIC POSTERS! It was so sad I seriously almost cried. But of course we made special concert shirts for a maximum Jonas Brothers experience so we still had that going for us! Even though we stalked DTE like all day we didn't get to meet the Jo Bro's...or Demi. BOO.

Let me tell you, they oversold this concert and there were over 16,000 people at the amphitheater. The lawn was so packed it didn’t even look like there was a lawn! Demi opened the concert and even though she only sang like 6 or 7 songs it was amazing. She really does have an amazing voice and you could tell she was thrilled to be on stage. She even made this video log while still at our concert (you can hear us screaming and Nick singing “A Little Bit Longer” in the background that's on YouTube)!

After Demi played the most amazing thing ever happened…I had a Big Rob encounter! Big Rob is the Jo Bro’s security guard and he raps in their new single, “Burnin’ Up” and I’m pretty much his biggest fan! He was like 4 feet away from me! Seriously the night before the concert I even said to Kyle "You know...I want to meet the Jo Bro's...but I really want to meet Big Rob the most." AND IT HAPPENED! I'll never forget it. He was by far the biggest Rob I will ever meet. I'm officially his number one fan.

I won’t tell too much about the concert, because it's all over the internet, you probably don't care that much and I would just get carried away and it would take FOREVER. But, they played a lot of new stuff which was SO good and now I’m even more pumped for the new CD to come out. During the concert, before they played some music from Camp Rock, Kevin goes “Did anybody build me a bird house yet?!” and some girl had made him one and brought it to the concert! It was so funny! Of course they all looked supes hot and even their orchestra had on high heels and red dresses! Basically the whole thing was TOO fab for words! I won’t even lie, it was so amazing I cried 3 times! Especially during “A Little Bit Longer” which is Nick’s song he wrote about his diabetes. After the concert we sprinted to our car (which we conveniently parked RIGHT in front of where the buses leave) and we saw Joe in the first bus as it left! So we all piled into the car, blasted Jonas Brothers music and waved around our glow sticks the whole way back to Nats’ house, where we had a sleepover and talked JB all night long!
Watch this video and in the part where Demi sings you can see me, Kaity and Nats standing up in the back right corner! We're the two tall people next to the short person [me. duh.] and we're wearing black shirts! You can even like hear Kaity screaming I swear!
So that was great and all except I screamed so much at the concert and was so exhausted that I made myself seriously sick! I was like nauseous and dizzy all day, had no appetite, lost my voice and had a horrible sore throat. And I slept like 17 or 18 hours! This was really nerve wracking since the El Paso trip was just 2 days later and I needed to be better for that. So I basically just slept and trying to rest before my vacation. But I still had to pack! And I'm a bad packer because I'm so picky about what to wear all the time plus I had to hang out with Kyle before I left! So it was a stressful two days.
Now I realize this blog is getting REALLY long so the El Paso part of the blog will be done as more of essay. Here we go!
First view of El Paso!
Fabi and her house.
BEBE! I love her!
Driving up to the hottest make out place in El Paso.
The overlook on the mountains.
Me riding a horse...? HAHA
Fabi on the horse.
The gift basket Fabi and her mom made us. It was so sweet of them!
Breakfast burritos!

Crazy HP glasses me and Lindsay tried on.
The State Line: a restaurant on the border of Texas and New Mexico
They're famous for BBQ
Susan's first rib!
Another make out spot. HAHA.
Awww. Love them!
This tram thingy we rode to the top of the mountains.
At the highest point of elevation in all of El Paso!
Welcome to Mexico!
Viva Mexico: a restaurant which served delicious food!
Us on stage with one of the waiters.
A marriachi band played to us!
I love it. We need one in Michigan STAT.
Swimming in the pool with Lindsay the ONE day it didn't rain.
Hand stands!
Fabi's little birthday cake!
Us at Fabi's Black and White party!
Our last Mexican feast.
We ate SO MUCH. But it was worth it. Mmm!
Viva El Paso: a dance show that basically gave the history of El Paso. It was hysterical.
BEST PICTURE EVER! I seriously love these girls and can't wait for us to live together again!
When I got back from EP which was just yesterday, I was still feeling under the weather. Especially after my flight back. This small child in front of me threw up! SICK! And then it's baby sister starting crying and it was chaos. Plus the plane reeked. LSKDJF! But I went out to lunch with my dad and then went over to Kyle's house to hang out with him for a bit. It was so great to see him. It reminded me of how hard it's going to be when I have to leave for school again in 5 weeks. I don't even want to think about it. Then I watched Picture This with my mom. LOVES IT! Ashley Tisdale is SO cute and seriously...what a great actress! I loved the movie so much. Then I somehow ended up talking to Nick until 4 AM. So much for getting some sleep huh!?
That brings us to today! I'm still sick and feeling yucky, but I'm working on trying to get back into a normal sleeping schedule and feeling better. My mom brought me Starbucks to make my throat feel better this morning which was supes amazing of her. And then we looked at all the catalogs I got in the mail while I was in El Paso which was fun! I went to Caribou with Kaity and then we met Nats at Target. I love Target! I got the new People Special Miley Cyrus Edition, New Moon, Soy Joy Bars AND a TRES cute new outfit! When I got back I just hung out around the house. I talked to Nick again and we're gonna hang out on Wednesday so that should be good because it's been a while since we did anything just the two of us.
But now before I go to bed I just want to share some exciting news to anyone who hasn't been reading the Fred Flare blog...WE FINALLY SIGNED THE LEASE FOR THE STORE!!!! I'm really excited because I think it's in Williamsburg [Chris won't tell, apparently it's a secret] but I can't wait to spend countless hours there with super cute customers and super cute products! OH OH OH! And idk if I talked about how McFly is giving away their new album in the newspaper in the UK this coming Sunday [but basically they are] and they pushed back the release date until September 7th BUT people are selling it on ebay and I got a copy for me, Kaity and Natalie!!!! So in 2 weeks we'll be in possession of the brand new AMAZING McFly cd Radio:Active !!!!!! Okay seriously. I'm done now. Promise!
Much Love.

After the boat parade I met up with Kaity, Britt, Nick, Kyle and the whole gang and we got ready to watch the Clarkston fireworks! I love fireworks! Plus there was the live band and lots of catching up to do with everyone about the latest scandals. Every year I've gone to Clintonwood park which is where they shoot off the fireworks and there’s all kinds of fun stuff to do before the big bang begins! There’s carnival food, volleyball, a live band and you get to see basically everyone in town all in one place! I think this fourth of July was the best one ever! It was really fun to spend the whole evening with Kyle. I parked at his house and we walked to Clintonwood which took forever since it was WAY farther than I thought it was going to be! Plus that meant we had to walk back as well! I was exhausted so it took even longer than it did to get there. But hey, we saved 5 dollars for not having to park and we got to just hang out and talk on the way there. I was supposed to go over to Kaity's after but it was WAY late and I was so tired I couldn't make it and neither could she. Plus the next day was the day our destinies were supposed to be fulfilled.

IT WAS THE SUPER EPIFABICAL JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT!!!!! THE DAY I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR FOR MONTHS! I was lucky enough to have fabulous seats to the first US tour date with my two fellow Jo Bro lovers Kaity and Nats!! This concert was by far the best concert I’ve ever been to. It even trumped the Spice Girls, no joke. We spent the whole day at the venue signing the boys’ bus, making a music video and creating our very own special “We Heart JB” posters! WHICH SCANDAL ALERT: They weren't allowing posters in so we had to THROW THEM OUT! THOSE EPIC POSTERS! It was so sad I seriously almost cried. But of course we made special concert shirts for a maximum Jonas Brothers experience so we still had that going for us! Even though we stalked DTE like all day we didn't get to meet the Jo Bro's...or Demi. BOO.

Let me tell you, they oversold this concert and there were over 16,000 people at the amphitheater. The lawn was so packed it didn’t even look like there was a lawn! Demi opened the concert and even though she only sang like 6 or 7 songs it was amazing. She really does have an amazing voice and you could tell she was thrilled to be on stage. She even made this video log while still at our concert (you can hear us screaming and Nick singing “A Little Bit Longer” in the background that's on YouTube)!

After Demi played the most amazing thing ever happened…I had a Big Rob encounter! Big Rob is the Jo Bro’s security guard and he raps in their new single, “Burnin’ Up” and I’m pretty much his biggest fan! He was like 4 feet away from me! Seriously the night before the concert I even said to Kyle "You know...I want to meet the Jo Bro's...but I really want to meet Big Rob the most." AND IT HAPPENED! I'll never forget it. He was by far the biggest Rob I will ever meet. I'm officially his number one fan.

I won’t tell too much about the concert, because it's all over the internet, you probably don't care that much and I would just get carried away and it would take FOREVER. But, they played a lot of new stuff which was SO good and now I’m even more pumped for the new CD to come out. During the concert, before they played some music from Camp Rock, Kevin goes “Did anybody build me a bird house yet?!” and some girl had made him one and brought it to the concert! It was so funny! Of course they all looked supes hot and even their orchestra had on high heels and red dresses! Basically the whole thing was TOO fab for words! I won’t even lie, it was so amazing I cried 3 times! Especially during “A Little Bit Longer” which is Nick’s song he wrote about his diabetes. After the concert we sprinted to our car (which we conveniently parked RIGHT in front of where the buses leave) and we saw Joe in the first bus as it left! So we all piled into the car, blasted Jonas Brothers music and waved around our glow sticks the whole way back to Nats’ house, where we had a sleepover and talked JB all night long!
Watch this video and in the part where Demi sings you can see me, Kaity and Nats standing up in the back right corner! We're the two tall people next to the short person [me. duh.] and we're wearing black shirts! You can even like hear Kaity screaming I swear!
So that was great and all except I screamed so much at the concert and was so exhausted that I made myself seriously sick! I was like nauseous and dizzy all day, had no appetite, lost my voice and had a horrible sore throat. And I slept like 17 or 18 hours! This was really nerve wracking since the El Paso trip was just 2 days later and I needed to be better for that. So I basically just slept and trying to rest before my vacation. But I still had to pack! And I'm a bad packer because I'm so picky about what to wear all the time plus I had to hang out with Kyle before I left! So it was a stressful two days.
Now I realize this blog is getting REALLY long so the El Paso part of the blog will be done as more of essay. Here we go!

When I got back from EP which was just yesterday, I was still feeling under the weather. Especially after my flight back. This small child in front of me threw up! SICK! And then it's baby sister starting crying and it was chaos. Plus the plane reeked. LSKDJF! But I went out to lunch with my dad and then went over to Kyle's house to hang out with him for a bit. It was so great to see him. It reminded me of how hard it's going to be when I have to leave for school again in 5 weeks. I don't even want to think about it. Then I watched Picture This with my mom. LOVES IT! Ashley Tisdale is SO cute and seriously...what a great actress! I loved the movie so much. Then I somehow ended up talking to Nick until 4 AM. So much for getting some sleep huh!?
That brings us to today! I'm still sick and feeling yucky, but I'm working on trying to get back into a normal sleeping schedule and feeling better. My mom brought me Starbucks to make my throat feel better this morning which was supes amazing of her. And then we looked at all the catalogs I got in the mail while I was in El Paso which was fun! I went to Caribou with Kaity and then we met Nats at Target. I love Target! I got the new People Special Miley Cyrus Edition, New Moon, Soy Joy Bars AND a TRES cute new outfit! When I got back I just hung out around the house. I talked to Nick again and we're gonna hang out on Wednesday so that should be good because it's been a while since we did anything just the two of us.
But now before I go to bed I just want to share some exciting news to anyone who hasn't been reading the Fred Flare blog...WE FINALLY SIGNED THE LEASE FOR THE STORE!!!! I'm really excited because I think it's in Williamsburg [Chris won't tell, apparently it's a secret] but I can't wait to spend countless hours there with super cute customers and super cute products! OH OH OH! And idk if I talked about how McFly is giving away their new album in the newspaper in the UK this coming Sunday [but basically they are] and they pushed back the release date until September 7th BUT people are selling it on ebay and I got a copy for me, Kaity and Natalie!!!! So in 2 weeks we'll be in possession of the brand new AMAZING McFly cd Radio:Active !!!!!! Okay seriously. I'm done now. Promise!
Much Love.
"She's over you like Canada is over Montana"-Sean on an episode of Clueless.
So I know it's only been like a week since I updated and nothing exciting has really happened but it's starting to rain and I'm bored out of my mind. So let's see. What can I entertain you all with? For the past week, Nats, Kaity and I have been desperately trying to find ways to meet the Jonas Brothers at the concert on Saturday. We've done everything from waking up at 8:00 in the morning to see if our name is called on a radio station, camping out for 6 hours in Warren to see if our name is called at a radio station live recording AND try to be the 25th caller for 12 hours straight on a radio station. IN FACT, we even went online to find tips, went to Borders to look for books on sneaking backstage, investigated the back roads that lead to the venue AND emailed the venue to see if they needed any "volunteers" to do stuff at the concert. No such luck. As of this very moment, our only hope at meeting the Jo Bro's is to stalk DTE Theater all day on Saturday with the hopes that we'll see their bus and they'll stop.
Last Friday night I went over to Sam's for Pizza Friday. We had Hungry Howie's and it was SO tasty bits! Then we went shopping for a bit with her mom before deciding to put on every single Olsen Twins movie known to man. Except for the part where we only got through Our First Video, You're Invited to MKA's Slumber Party, The Mystery of Thorn Mansion and 3 episodes of So Little Time before we were both virtually unconscious. So we headed down the basement and crashed on the mattresses before 11:00. In the morning Sam went to yoga with me and then we had Starbucks! Later that day I picked up Kyle and we headed over to Nick's open house which we ended up staying at a lot longer than I thought because we wanted to hear Keep The Change play. It was really fun and lots of people we knew were there.

Then Sunday was the day that me, Kaity and Nats camped out in Warren. There were a ton of people there, but we WERE NOT there to make friends (as I said in the spirit of Jade from ANTM). We were there to win! We even wore our special Burnin' Up tour shirts that we made for the concert, which we got lots of compliments on. However, we weren't winners. Although we did have a lot of fun, regardless. When Nats and I went into Qdoba's to use the bathroom I saw these girls on the way out that Nats had been telling me about. So I turned to her to say something about them and wasn't paying careful attention and I thought this giant glass wall was the door. So I turned to say something to Nats and put my hands out to open the door as Natalie screamed "NO JEWLIE! THAT'S NOT A DOOR!", but it was too late. I walked full speed ahead into the wall and ricocheted off it and into Natalie's arms as everyone in the entire restaurant gasped (like Lisel in the graveyard as Mr. J would say). Me and Natalie cried we were laughing so hard and even this girl outside the restaurant was trying to stifle her laughter. We loved it. Then I went to my cousin Jamie's open house and another open house. It was kind of boring. But whatevs whatevs.
Monday I saw Wall E with Sam and Kate and we went shopping a bit. That was fun. Wall E was so cute! Even though there wasn't much dialogue, I still loved it. And the whole Green message was great too.

Other than that, I haven't been up to much. I went to the library, but there wasn't anything good. And I went grocery shopping with my mom, which I always love because then I get to pick out the food I like! Yum! And my second Fred Flare blog went live on Monday so you guys can check that out as well. I've also been cutting and gluing my inspiration book like mad. I've almost completely caught up from the whole school year. I'm way impressed with myself. I just have my giant batch of MKA pictures left to do! OH! And yesterday I got my Teen Vogue app in! I'm so nervous. I hope I get in again because that experience was SO amazing last year! Check out some of my outfit submissions.

But now I'm off to watch some more episodes of Clueless and maybe read some back issues of ElleGirl. T-minus 6 days until El Paso!!!! I can't wait to be with my girls again. It'll be a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants moment for sure.
Much Love.
Last Friday night I went over to Sam's for Pizza Friday. We had Hungry Howie's and it was SO tasty bits! Then we went shopping for a bit with her mom before deciding to put on every single Olsen Twins movie known to man. Except for the part where we only got through Our First Video, You're Invited to MKA's Slumber Party, The Mystery of Thorn Mansion and 3 episodes of So Little Time before we were both virtually unconscious. So we headed down the basement and crashed on the mattresses before 11:00. In the morning Sam went to yoga with me and then we had Starbucks! Later that day I picked up Kyle and we headed over to Nick's open house which we ended up staying at a lot longer than I thought because we wanted to hear Keep The Change play. It was really fun and lots of people we knew were there.
Then Sunday was the day that me, Kaity and Nats camped out in Warren. There were a ton of people there, but we WERE NOT there to make friends (as I said in the spirit of Jade from ANTM). We were there to win! We even wore our special Burnin' Up tour shirts that we made for the concert, which we got lots of compliments on. However, we weren't winners. Although we did have a lot of fun, regardless. When Nats and I went into Qdoba's to use the bathroom I saw these girls on the way out that Nats had been telling me about. So I turned to her to say something about them and wasn't paying careful attention and I thought this giant glass wall was the door. So I turned to say something to Nats and put my hands out to open the door as Natalie screamed "NO JEWLIE! THAT'S NOT A DOOR!", but it was too late. I walked full speed ahead into the wall and ricocheted off it and into Natalie's arms as everyone in the entire restaurant gasped (like Lisel in the graveyard as Mr. J would say). Me and Natalie cried we were laughing so hard and even this girl outside the restaurant was trying to stifle her laughter. We loved it. Then I went to my cousin Jamie's open house and another open house. It was kind of boring. But whatevs whatevs.
Monday I saw Wall E with Sam and Kate and we went shopping a bit. That was fun. Wall E was so cute! Even though there wasn't much dialogue, I still loved it. And the whole Green message was great too.
Other than that, I haven't been up to much. I went to the library, but there wasn't anything good. And I went grocery shopping with my mom, which I always love because then I get to pick out the food I like! Yum! And my second Fred Flare blog went live on Monday so you guys can check that out as well. I've also been cutting and gluing my inspiration book like mad. I've almost completely caught up from the whole school year. I'm way impressed with myself. I just have my giant batch of MKA pictures left to do! OH! And yesterday I got my Teen Vogue app in! I'm so nervous. I hope I get in again because that experience was SO amazing last year! Check out some of my outfit submissions.

But now I'm off to watch some more episodes of Clueless and maybe read some back issues of ElleGirl. T-minus 6 days until El Paso!!!! I can't wait to be with my girls again. It'll be a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants moment for sure.
Much Love.
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