Last Friday night I went over to Sam's for Pizza Friday. We had Hungry Howie's and it was SO tasty bits! Then we went shopping for a bit with her mom before deciding to put on every single Olsen Twins movie known to man. Except for the part where we only got through Our First Video, You're Invited to MKA's Slumber Party, The Mystery of Thorn Mansion and 3 episodes of So Little Time before we were both virtually unconscious. So we headed down the basement and crashed on the mattresses before 11:00. In the morning Sam went to yoga with me and then we had Starbucks! Later that day I picked up Kyle and we headed over to Nick's open house which we ended up staying at a lot longer than I thought because we wanted to hear Keep The Change play. It was really fun and lots of people we knew were there.
Then Sunday was the day that me, Kaity and Nats camped out in Warren. There were a ton of people there, but we WERE NOT there to make friends (as I said in the spirit of Jade from ANTM). We were there to win! We even wore our special Burnin' Up tour shirts that we made for the concert, which we got lots of compliments on. However, we weren't winners. Although we did have a lot of fun, regardless. When Nats and I went into Qdoba's to use the bathroom I saw these girls on the way out that Nats had been telling me about. So I turned to her to say something about them and wasn't paying careful attention and I thought this giant glass wall was the door. So I turned to say something to Nats and put my hands out to open the door as Natalie screamed "NO JEWLIE! THAT'S NOT A DOOR!", but it was too late. I walked full speed ahead into the wall and ricocheted off it and into Natalie's arms as everyone in the entire restaurant gasped (like Lisel in the graveyard as Mr. J would say). Me and Natalie cried we were laughing so hard and even this girl outside the restaurant was trying to stifle her laughter. We loved it. Then I went to my cousin Jamie's open house and another open house. It was kind of boring. But whatevs whatevs.
Monday I saw Wall E with Sam and Kate and we went shopping a bit. That was fun. Wall E was so cute! Even though there wasn't much dialogue, I still loved it. And the whole Green message was great too.
Other than that, I haven't been up to much. I went to the library, but there wasn't anything good. And I went grocery shopping with my mom, which I always love because then I get to pick out the food I like! Yum! And my second Fred Flare blog went live on Monday so you guys can check that out as well. I've also been cutting and gluing my inspiration book like mad. I've almost completely caught up from the whole school year. I'm way impressed with myself. I just have my giant batch of MKA pictures left to do! OH! And yesterday I got my Teen Vogue app in! I'm so nervous. I hope I get in again because that experience was SO amazing last year! Check out some of my outfit submissions.

But now I'm off to watch some more episodes of Clueless and maybe read some back issues of ElleGirl. T-minus 6 days until El Paso!!!! I can't wait to be with my girls again. It'll be a Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants moment for sure.
Much Love.
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