I've just been babysitting a lot lately and seeing Kyle and Kaity. I'm getting a lot of sun, which I'm so not complaining about. I think it's true that sunlight really can make you happier because I've been in such a lovely mood as of late. It also probably has to do with my yoga class. Even thought it means I have to wake up early on Saturday mornings, it really does make my day so much brighter. And I love Courtney and just chatting with her. We were the only two people in class on Saturday. I felt bad for her, but at the same time it was nice to just relax and talk for a bit. Yoga really helps me forget about everything else going on in my life and just allows me to focus on breathing and the poses. It really does help you clear your mind. I highly recommend you pick up a class somewhere.
Hmm...what else? I've just finished the 3rd Twilight book. Amazing. I tried to make it last, but I finished it before I had anything left to read so today I decided to read old back issues of Ellegirl. Ellegirl was my favorite magazine before it got canceled and I switched over to Teen Vogue. As much as I do love Teen Vogue, I really really miss Ellegirl. It was the perfect magazine for me. I'm glad I kept all my old issues in perfect condition so I can re-read them on days like today. If you're ever at your library or the Strand you should check for old issues, they're wonderful.
Earlier yesterday I went bowling with Kaity and her brothers and their friend. It was hysterical! They're all so funny. We all came up with fake names. I was Zoey 101 and Kaity was Mrs. Joe Jonas. How appropriate! I think my best score was like 53. Yeah I suck at bowling! But it was still super fun. And then we all got pizza for dinner and Kevin was laughing which made me laugh and then I started crying I was laughing so hard, which I think is one of the best feelings in the world.

Last night I saw the Sex and the City movie [again!] with Mal, Kaity, Britt, Memer, Alison and Maria. It was so much fun. It was great to just be with a group of girls again. I think that's something I miss the most about school. I miss living with the girls. I miss having sleepovers every night and eating all our meals together and watching movies and laughing 24 hours a day 7 days a week. But luckily we'll all be reunited in 14 days in El Paso! But back to last night. So we all met at Britt's house and we stopped at Kroger first to get some snacks and then hauled butt to Great Lakes. We arrived JUST in time. And we happily discovered movies are only $5.00 on week nights. Score! The movie was even better the second time. And especially with my closest group of friends here in Michigan. I sat next to Mal and she let me cry on her shoulder at the sad parts and rest my head on her shoulder. It was nice too because she watched the show all the time. It was just a night full of tears and laughter.
So that's what's new with me. I miss Fred Flare a lot. And the city in general. In fact I'm doing a guest blogging spot on FredFlare.com this summer so you should check it out. My first post went up yesterday which was a review of Camp Rock, the Jonas Brothers movie on Disney Channel. Me and Kaity and Natalie had our own little party which you can read about over on the site. It was a lot of fun. I always feel so...young when I'm with them. Haha!

The puppies from my last entry.

Now I'm off to the library real quick to check out some books so I have something to read besides old magazines. Even though I'm loving the nostalgia of the back issues! Don't get me wrong. It's great to revisit what was up and coming in 2005, but I've had my eye on Barbara Walter's memoir called Audition for a couple weeks and it's just calling my name. Until next time lovers!
Much Love.
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