Well I got the VERY SAD news that Amanda is leaving FF and getting a new job. Luckily she'll still be in the city, working in Union Square so maybe we'll get lunch or something when I go back. And she'll still stop by the warehouse the store [!!!]. Her last day is in 9 days! I'm sad I don't get to say goodbye. We finally got a new photog to replace Natasha too. She's one of Jen's friends, her name is Chaunte. I'm sure I'll love her. That's about all the FF news there is. Oh! We got some super cute new items in. Check it yo.
Last week was the senior's last week of school. I went to the Senior Walk. In case you have no idea what that is [I find most non-CHSers don't] it's after the senior's take their final exam and then they all put their caps and gowns on and walk through all the halls while the students and teachers stand in the hallways to clap them out. And they play really sappy music. I went with Elle. It was so fun to catch up with her. I saw all my friends and then we went out to lunch at Pete's. I forgot how much I love Pete's coney island. I mean, student discount and it's way cuter! DUH! Then Prom was Thursday. I went with Kaity to her hair appointment and then to Depot Park to take pictures of everyone and fulfill my BFF duties of holding her purse and such. It was so fun to see everyone all dressed up in the park. Loves it! Then I went over to Sam's and we played Rock Band for numerous hours as per usual.

Oh. Well I guess I haven't blogged since all that Rock Band stuff went down. Basically me and Sam are ADDICTED to Rock Band. One night her, Seano, The King and I all played for 6 straight hours. We played until 3 AM! It was insane. We started a band called Freak Out! and then it just kind of spawned off of that. I'm getting really good at the guitar. Plus I know a bunch of rock songs now. And then me and Sam started a new band called Holler At Ya Boy [Sue says that ALL the time]. Mostly we just like to make ourselves look cool and play a bunch of songs so we can buy new clothes. HAHA. Our next band is going to be called Twenty Dolla Holla. HAHA. We're so lame. But yeah we play ALL THE TIME. It's a serious summer addiction. I'm working my way up to hard.
What else...I've been a reading fool. Just crappy teen romance novels but still. I've read a ton. And I'm loving it. The next thing I'm reading is Eclipse [FINALLY!] and then Breaking Dawn comes out in August! In case you're unfamiliar with the Twilight series...well you should get on that. They're amazing. But I'm not a freaky obsessed person like some people I know. I do love the books though. And speaking of reading...yours truly is in Seventeen this month. I'm showing my Jo Bro's love in the section where the letters to the editor are in the July issue. CHECK IT YO! I've been a magazine whore lately. I have Seventeen, Teen Vouge, the special Jo Bro's People, Vanity Fair, Cosmogirl! and Vogue. Yikes! Lots of reading.

The mass amounts of reading has lead to mass amounts of my other summer addiction...laying out. My chest is SO flipping tan! I'm going to be black by the time El Paso comes around. Seriously. I'm REALLY tan. For me anyway. Compared to Kyle I'm still really white. He's like a zillion percent Italian though. I love laying out. Especially on the boat. It's so relaxing. Completely unproductive, but relaxing. Plus it gives me an excuse to make awesome mixes. I just made like the most amazing one ever today. Which reminds me, if anyone wants me to make them a mix, I'd love to. I made David a killer one a couple weeks ago and now I'm like dying to make them for everyone!
I can't think of much else exciting stuff. I've mostly been hanging out with Kaity. We go to the mall and lay out and go to Caribou and all those random fun things we always do. Mostly we've been chilling at other peoples houses. I've been blending into the group. Me and Memer are like basically friends now. Haha. But no, we've been to Mal's, Nick's and Kelli's. I'm integrating really well. HAHA. I did see the Sex and the City movie with Elle. OMG. I actually loved it. Now I'm dying to see the show. I'm totally a Charlotte. But it was so good, I could easily see it again! And of course I've been spending a lot of time with Kyle at his house with his family. I love his family. They're like the best family ever. Except like the Alty's. And the Jerolamon's.
So wow. I've blogged a lot in this entry. I'll try to be more diligent about updating here. I really do miss the blog. And actually it's really funny because I was reviewing my college app essays today and in one of them, for my goals I listed making a blog to document my struggles and stuff. I totes forgot about that! And I ended up doing it! Though I can't say I struggled much. I had a really successful first year. Anyway, I'm off to read some more!
Much Love.
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