This is going to be really short because I took some Tylenol PM and I am REALLY feeling it right now. I'm SO tired! But it's a good thing. I need the sleep. Today I had a math quiz, I feel okay about it. There was this REALLY ridiculous problem but I don't think anyone got it so that's good...? HAHA. It was like me and Mo's giant inside joke at work today. Speaking of, he might be going to the Jacks' Mannequin concert with me because FUN is supposed to play [umm that would be AH-mazing]. So that's cool. But yeah my classes went pretty well. Even though Journalism totes stresses me out it's still such an awesome class. Professor Stephens never has a dull moment.
Work was work. Not that many orders, I helped Diane a bit and then worked with Keith. Jen wants to have some sort of mysterious meeting with me tomorrow about scheduling and other various things. Probably stuff about the store, that's what Mo alluded to anyway. So that = excitement!
When I got home I worked on homework. I'm trying to get as much done as I can so I have maximum time to work on my essay this weekend. Crossing my fingers that I do well on that! Plus Tia and Jenn are coming over Saturday to work on HOU stuff. I might have dinner with E on Sunday as well. Today I realized that I lead a fairly boring life. And I'm kind of a geek. But I'm okay with that. HAHA. Wow I'm tired. I'm sure you can tell.
My pictures for today are a bit of a photo essay which I have not-so-cleverly titled: "Jewlie Makes Dinner"

Tonite we are dining on a classy meal of Velveeta Rotini with Cheese and Broccoli!

First you boil the water, then you add the noodles and stir!

Next, add the fake broccoli and the cheese...stuff.

Ta da! That's it! It's so easy, a caveman could do it.

Mmm! And it's tasty bits too!
That's about all I have to say. Or rather, that's about all I can manage to type before I pass out in front of my lap top from exhaustion. I'll probably do a vlog tomorrow since I haven't done one in ages and Sue is going out of town for the night. So that's something to look forward to [or not, since I know some of you aren't fans of the vlogs] Anyway. I'm off to sleep.
Much Love.