This dress, minus the sweater. Duh!
I met Sibby at Starbucks at 8:50 and let me tell you, it was so refreshing to still know everyone that works there. We got our drinks and headed down to 194 Mercer for our Dancers and Divas class. The prof is a HOOT! His name is Robert and he's absolutely lovely! He's so...out of it in a classic drama teacher kind of way. And sort of loopy. HAHA. But he was great. I really enjoyed him. We started watching The Nutcracker Ballet and Robert talked about the requirements of the class [one of which is that we MUST attend 3 live performances!]. There's lots of group project-y things in this class...and no papers if I read the syllabus correctly. Score!
Then it was off my first real/non-GSP NYU class...Foundations of Journalism aka Intro to Journalism. I'm not gonna lie, I was really scared for this class. It's a lecture of like 200 kids and it was in a building I've never been in. But the professor is amazing. He's really funny and upbeat and entertaining [which is good since it's a lecture class] and he's going to use powerpoints to help us follow along in his lectures. HOWEVER. I am REALLY questioning whether this is a good class for me because I'm not even kidding when I say that probably every single kid in that class wants to write for the New York Times or be some dude on CNN or something. They all knew the names of like a million famous journalists [of which I can name...NONE] and what news channels give more opinions vs. facts and all this political and historical stuff...NONE of which I knew ONE THING about! So this makes me very nervous. And feeling inadequate for the class. So basically now I have to watch the news and pay attention to current events and stuff that I could frankly care less about. Boo.
After class, it was time to haul butt out to Greenpoint for work. Of course I was a nervous wreck since it was the first time I'd commuted to work from school this year, but naturally I made it with a few minutes to spare. I was excited to see Cory working, I'd forgotten how nice of a boy he is. There were quite a bit of orders but we got them all done and the boxes re-stocked by 4:00 and then Cory went home and I made watches the last hour. I got to talk to Robyn a bit more. Found out she went to Florida State and just moved to New York back in January, so far she doesn't like it very much. At work I noticed the bambi earrings I wanted were almost gone [only 3 pair left!] so as soon as I got home I ordered half the stuff on the wish list I made a couple days ago. I'm excited to get it all on Thursday!
It was a long day back, but I made it. When I got home I made some dinner and checked my emails and such. Then I did my History of the Universe lab for tomorrow morning because I'm a goody two shoes and wanted to get a head start on things. After that, feeling pretty accomplishes, I checked the blogs that I read and called my Mom to tell her all about my first day.
And now, after ALL that, I'm supes tired and am off to sleep because I have an 8AM tomorrow and I have some errands to run after class AND E. is back in town so I have to get my boxes from her at some point...hopefully tomorrow. Who knows!
Much Love.
1 comment:
Divas and Dancers sounds Divine. And with Sibby in there, you finally have a fellow theater geek to share the experience.
ps. Change "to" to "too"
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