It just recently came to my attention that my blogs are unbearably long. So...I'm gonna work on that. HAHA. I just have so much to say! My day today was a fabulous continuation of yesterday [aka amazing]. I woke up early and did some homework for an hour and then I took the bus up to meet Tia for breakfast. Little did I know that Tia had texted me to say she was sick. So basically I went all the way up to Third North for nothing...only it was really for nothing because I decided I'd just eat by myself [even though that made me look like a total loner]. I tried to get in touch with Sue because we were supposed to go to Urban and Dylan's and Bloomingdale's today and since Tia canceled I was ready to just go uptown. Only I couldn't get a hold of her. So I decided to do something that I basically NEVER do: shop by myself.

Shoe rack at the street sale.

Comb and scissors.

Bird earrings.

Extremely poor/myspace-esque picture of my dress

Yeah. I'm NOT a photographer.

Top from Target.
I was headed down to the Target Bullseye Bodega in the Bowery when I happened to notice that there was some kind of giant garage sale type thing all the way down to Second Ave. at 9th street. I decided to check it out since I had time to kill and it was totally worth it. It was like vintage heaven! There were all these crazy suits and ties from like the 70's and all this awesome jewelry made out of type writer keys! Seriously, there was so much amazing stuff! I got this amazing, totally cute Cynthia Rowley dress for only $30 and it fits like it was made for me! I also got two really cute pairs of earrings.

After blowing some money there, I headed to the Target and got a really cute top, but overall I was disappointed because the stuff wasn't as cute as I thought it was going to be. But it was still worth it to check it out since they're only around for a couple more days. I finally hooked up with Susan and we went up to the giant Urban Outfitters at 59th and Lex [the best train stop in Manhattan]. It was SO big. Susan went insane and bought like a million things. I was a good girl and didn't buy anything. But when we went to Dylan's I had to buy Chupa Chups for me and Fabi because we were JUST talking about them the other night. I didn't get anything at Bloomingdale's either [though I almost bought this pair of Juicy earrings I REALLY want].

They had the dresses from the Project Runway challenge in the windows.

The trip home took forever because the trains were being nuts since it's the weekend. Basically we had to transfer twice and ended up just getting off at Union Square and taking the NYU bus back to Water. By then it was like 7:00 and I've pretty much just been working on homework since then. Really boring, I know. I need to find more interesting things to do on a Saturday night than do homework. I really want to make someone a picture with my Sharpies. HAHA. If you want a sharpie drawing leave me a comment. Oh and apparently Jack's Mannequin managed to release two EPs without me knowing it. They also sold out both nights of their concert here in less than 12 hours. BOO.
Much Love.
Dylan's Candy Bar = The Shit.
I think I'm just going to get everyone's christmas presents from there.
The dress looks darling. I would rather have seen a pic of U in it.
Is Dylan's near Serendipity?
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