At about 11:00 I headed back upstairs and talked to Kayla and she told me Susan and Juliana about this cool thing at the Sephora on Broadway on September 8th where you go and it's sponsored by Too Faced [which is the brand of makeup that Gwen Stefani uses] and they give you makeovers and a bunch of free samples and food and then they take a headshot of you and it's all free. So Kayla called in and got us the last 4 spots. So that's exciting. And Kayla and I are going to go to this charity event called Broadway Cares where you can buy old props and costumes from Broadway shows that they don't need anymore but I'm mostly excited because we get to meet the cast of Spring Awakening [SO ATTRACTIVE!] and Bernadette Peters!!! [I KNOW right?!] So that should be really really cool but that's not until the 23rd of September.
After that our new furniture came for the penthouse [that's what we're calling it now. Haha. So classy] and so I rearranged the furniture in the living room because I'm lame and like that kind of stuff. And I saw this really cute guy across the building in the South Tower but it was kind of weird since we were looking at eachother through our windows. But he seemed cool. A photographer. I'll probably never see him again though. Except maybe through the window. Haha.
Me and Kayla looked through Lindsay's photography books and I cut up a copy of US Weekly that Lindsay gave me and glued it into my book. And we just sort of browsed my book and I looked through Kayla's and we chatted about clothes and fashion and such. Then I got in the shower [about time! It was like 1:00 in the afternoon!] and then me and Lindsay and Susan headed down to 3rd and Bleeker street because Susan's sister thought they might be filming a movie down there. But we didn't see anything except a lot of trailers. So we'll probably check back later in the week.
Then me and Lindsay headed to the bookstore to get the rest of our books and Susan went to the bank. We reconviened and I ran into this guy from Open Mic night last night which was cool. Then Mom called and told me she's getting me Season 3 of The OC on DVD for Christmas [MAJOR EXCITEMENT!] and we chatted about my day and such. I really miss her. But I am having a good time here which is important too. Then we met up with Kayla and went to Starbucks [my one true love in life] but we didn't see any famous people on the way. Lame. Kayla hasn't been feeling well so she got this weird Green Machine drink where like it has grass and algae and other wierd things in it and she did NOT wanna drink that nasty stuff. It was pretty funny. She kept being like "Alright guys. I'm going back in." And we'd just laugh. She never ended up finishing it. But we all just chatted and had a good time as usual.

We headed back home and just chilled out for awhile. Which was nice. I got to talk to Kyle [which was great because I miss him like crazy] and Fabiola came home and I talked to her for awhile. She told me Lizzie Olsen is going to be a freshman at NYU this year. She's staying in Hayden which is really cool. Hopefully I'll run into her sometime. But Fabiola's boxes from Texas got lost in the mail. Which really sucks because her school books are in there and her alarm clock and some clothes and other important stuff. So hopefully it'll get here soon. So she used my phone to call the post office but they said they'd just keep checking for it.
At around 8:00 we decided to order some dinner from this Italian place across the street called Due Amici. We all ordered pizzas and pasta and just sat around and chatted and listened to Britney Spears.
Then we saw the really hot guys from the room in the building across from ours again so we waved to them and they waved back but then they put their blinds down. But we kept ours up and we kept eating and then they pulled theirs back up to see what we were up to so we tried to retalitate by putting our blinds down but ours got stuck and so then they were mocking us by showing us how to put a blind down and then they left theirs down. But we left them a little present on the window, so we'll see how that goes. Haha. All my Sexy Ledgers know what I'm talking about.
We got bored of waiting around for the guys to respond to our present so we decided to clean up dinner and play Fluxx and Catch Phrase. Fabiola was really funny while she was playing Catch Phrase becuse she's never played before and she got REALLY into it. Plus it's alway a good time when you play that game. People say the funniest things. And now I'm just talking to Kaity and I'm about to go to sleep because I'm exhausted from my lack of sleep.
Sorry my day wasnt' more interesting. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have more scandals to report!
Much Love.
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