We left for NYU at 7:00 on Saturday morning and set off on our longggggggg 10 hour drive to Jersey. I probably slept 7 of those hours and cried the other 3. It was hard leaving my house. But I think my mom said it best to me when I was laying in my bed for the last time; "You want to go, you just don't want to leave." That was exactly how it felt. I did want to go to New York, I just didn't want to leave my family, home and my best friend.
But I digress. On the way to Jersey we stopped at a "scenic" view. Really it's more a giant mass of fog. I still don't know what was supposed to be scenic about it.

We stayed the night in Jersey and went out to dinner with the Grace's at cute little 24 hour french café called Florent.
Then in the morning we headed off to NYU and I moved into my dorm, Third North. It's on Third Avenue...duh. Haha. Anyway. It took me most of the day to move in and it was TRÉS exhausting. I met my roommate Kelly and most of my suitemates and Tina, our RA and basically fell in love with everyone.

So that's what my room looks like! The view, as you can see, is FABULOUS! Can you spot the Empire State Building? You can also see the Brooklyn Bridge from our kitchen [which is MASSIVE and has all these really great appliances that I'll never be able to use because I'm cooking retarded.] And everything is so cute! Then my parents left and it was kind of hard but we had a floor meeting and that took my mind off of it. We got to meet all the girls on the 13th and 14th [that's my floor] floors because we're all on Fashion Hits NYC together.
Then we were supposed to go to this "party" but whatever it was like the lamest thing I've ever experienced. It was in the courtyard and there were like...30 people there. No joke. So instead I met up with Steven and James and we went out and walked around Washington Square Park and back. Then I came back in and pretty much passed out. I've NEVER walked this much in my life except for when we like...go to Disney World. Haha.
I met Rachel and Lindsay and we walked down to Washington Square to go to all our GSP Orientation stuff. I was really excited for me and Lindsay to be on TRL Tuesday. She's a really nice girl. I really like her. She's in GSP [General Studies Program] just like me and we've been hanging out like all the time.
OH MY GOODNESS AND! At our floor meeting on Monday Tina [my RA] told us THE COOLEST news ever. Seventeen and Teen Vogue want to do stories about our floor! HOW COOL IS THAT? We're probably going to be in Teen Vogue! They want us to do some kind of project and then they want to write about it because this is the first year for the Fashion Floor. I like almost cried I was so excited! And the film exploration floor wants to do a podcast about us. Which is like a TV show online that's free and you can put it on your iPod and stuff. But they want us to do like confessionals and then they're going to follow us around for a day and then edit it and make it into like a reality TV show type thing. Isnt' that SO COOL?! We're going to be like mini-celebrities!And Tina said she's going to try and get us into Fall or Spring Fashion Week and get us like VIP passes and stuff! And we get to go to Marc Jacobs one day and meet the designers at Steve Madden! The Fashion Floor is basically the coolest thing I've ever done! I'm so excited for all our activities. And one day we're going to get mani/pedis together and do all sorts of awesome stuff! Tina's great. I love her. She's hilarious and really entertaining.
And also all the girls on my floor are really nice. I love all of them so much. Lindsay is like my hang out buddy and Fabiola is like homebody girl and then Kayla is like the wild crazy loud fun girl. And Kelly [my roommate] left for Germany at 4:00 on Tuesday and gets back on Sunday but she's going to bring me back something from Germany. And Fabiola and Kelly have introduced me to candy and other things from their countries. It's really interesting!

Then at 3:00 we had another Floor Meeting and we all dressed in purple and white in honor of NYU and everyone from Third North paraded down to Washington Square where President John Sexton gave a [really long and BORING] speech about school. After the speech we went out to dinner with the girls on our floor with Tina. We went to this place called Chipotle. It's like Subway except with tacos and it was so good and very inexpensive! And Tina has been telling us all her celebrity sightings. She literally bumped into Ashlee Simpson at Virgin Records once! And she saw Nicole Richie walking her dog. She knows where Brad Pitt lives [above The Gap on Astor Place] and her friend once met and had lunch with ADAM BRODY [MY LOVERRR!] at the same Chipotle that we ate at because it was like full and she didnt' recognize him so he stayed and talked to her! [SO JEALOUS!] After dinner I came home and just chilled with Kayla and Kelly. We laughed and talked about home and it was just really chill and cool.
I had a GSP meeting at 9:45 in the morning and then me and Lindsay went grocery shopping with our friend Rachel at Whole Foods and it was so crazy, 3 floors of groceries! And they had 24 check out lines and a guy to direct you which one to go to. It was nuts! But fun.
Then me and Lindsay came home and put away the groceries and it was time to get ready for TRL! We left home at about 1:00 in the afternoon and took a cab to Times Square. Let me tell you. IT IS HUGE! Everything is so big and bright there even though it was the middle of the afternoon. Me and Lindsay grabbed a quick lunch in Times Square and then we went to wait in line to check in at MTV Studios. We had to wait in line a LONG time before we finally got in to film but it was TOTALLY worth the wait. Aly & AJ were GOREGOUS and Damien was there and so was Serena Williams. It was probably the funnest thing I've done since I got here and hopefully everyone got to watch it today [Thursday] at 1:00 because me and Lindsay actually got a lot of air time.
After TRL me and Lindsay and Susan went to dinner at the Palladium [which is also where the gym is located. Not that I've been working out. I'm a college student. I'm too lazy].Then we were going to go see this Comedy Show but it got full so we met Lindsay's friend from her middle school named Pat and we went to Tasti D.Lite. I had Creme Brulee flavor in honor of my mom [who is a Creme Brulee conasseur]. The amazing thing about Tasti D.Lite is that it only has about 15 calories per serving! Yeah. It's basically the best thing that was ever invented. Then we went back to Washington Square and just chilled and talked. I mostly talked to Susan because Lindsay wanted to catch up with Pat. We talked about music [we have THE EXACT same taste. Except she doesn't know who McFly is. Crazy. I know!] and it was cool to just get to talk about all of my friends and hear about her life in Long Island. Then we walked home and I passed out because living in New York is hard work!
I had a GSP thing at 9:30 so I went with Lindsay to that and then we went to The Realiy Show [a musical written and performed by NYU students about being a freshman at NYU] at 11:00 for GSP too. It was SO FUNNY! The content was a little risqué but we're in college now so whatev it was still hilarious! I wish everyone could see it. But yeah, it was great, everyone was so talented and it was so fun and amusing.
Then we went to lunch at the Kimmel Center with Susan, Patricia, Sophie and Kayla. It was delicious! Then we headed over to St. Mark's Place which is a really cool part of town that has a lot of history and great shopping! There's all these sunglasses and hats and wigs shops and such. And it's all really cheap stuff and there's a shop called Trash and Vaudeville where The Clash, Cyndi Lauper, Blondie and Madonna all used to shop to buy their clothes for tours and such in the 80's. It's such a cool place! Then we headed back here and rested up for a while.

Wednesday night I had lunch with Kayla, Lindsay, Susan and Julianna at the Palladium. We were supposed to meet this guy Daniel we all met at the party on Sunday night but we just all got talking about our pasts and we lost track of time. So we stayed and talked for like an hour and then we decided to head back home to do more girly talking. But on the way out we decided we wanted our picture taken on this ledge outside the building. So we all got up on the ledge and waited and asked random people to take our picture. And they two guys that did it for us were really funny and cool about it and I don't know...we just thought it was a lot of fun asking random people to take our picture. So Kayla said jokingly that we should make a gang and I was like "Yeah we could do it weekly and call ourselves The Ledgers" and Kayla goes "NO. The SEXY Ledgers." Which of course made us all laugh even harder.

So then we were on our way back home but we decided to stop in this really cool store called Ricky's [they have them EVERYWHERE in New York] which is like Urban Outfitters meets Walgreens. And we were all crazy and goofing around taking silly pictures and we met this guy Chris and this girl T.K. who both work there and they were playing music and Chris danced with us and talked to us and he was so cool that we decided to make him an honorary memeber of The Sexy Ledgers. Then we all tried on wigs [I know RIGHT?! I'm usually so terrified of wigs but these ones felt real instead of all synthetic-y]. And we just had a blast so duh. We HAD to get our pictures taken with T.K. and Chris! So that's part of our weekly Sexy Ledger outings too now.
Then we finally made it home and decided to watch Mean Girls wtih Fabiola's little sister Valeria. She's so cute! And she loves HSM and Hannah just like me! But I couldn't stay awake for the whole movie so I went to bed at 1:00.
Today I got up and talked to Kaity about all my scandals at TRL and The Sexy Ledgers and then me and Susan went to go buy some Wellies [these are rubber boots like rain boots]. So we went in to Union Square and went to this shoe store but they didnt' have any pairs that I liked so then we headed to Forever21. Let me tell you. It's the like the Forever21 back home except it has another story just as big as the first story! AND everything is all organized [SO unlike the one at home]. But I didn't find any Wellies there. So then we went to DSW and I found a pair but they were $40.00 and duh. I'm poor. And they weren't THAT cute. Basically I didn't LOVE them. So I didn't buy them.
Then we went home at 12:45 so I could make some popcorn before TRL started at 1:00. It was SO cool to see me and Lindsay on MTV! We actually had quite a bit of air time. It was really exciting. I hope everyone got to see it! Then after that me and Kayla and Susan and Lindsay went into the kitchen to get some food and chat. This is about the time Kayla discovered the BLACK MOLD that was growing above our stove top.
So of course Kayla [being the crazy girl she is] turns to me and says "Jewlie. We HAVE to clean this up. STAT." And she goes to get like surgical gloves and a bunch of cleaning products and we just attacked the black mold. But we played Hannah Montana while we did it and I sang for Lindsay and Susan [who was too disgusted to help us. Haha.] And that took about...oh a good hour I'd say.
Next me and Susan and Fabiola went down to the Kimmel Center to get discount movie passes and when I got back Kayla and Julianna were like "Let's go to dinner at Kimmel". So I turned around and went right back down there. BUT. We ran into Kristi and Rachel [two girls from downstairs] and when we were walking to dinner WE RAN INTO GEMMA WARD!!!!! [Gemma Ward is a REALLY famous model. She also happens to be my all time favorite model ever.] But we were too star struck to ask for a picture with her. But wow. She was gorgeous. So yay for my first celebrity sighting.
We ended up eating at Weinstein and then heading over to Starbucks to hang out [just me and Julianna and Kayla] and we chilled there until Lindsay came by and then me and Lindsay went to Open Mic night in the Kimmel Center. It was really fun and there were lots of great performances. One guy beat-boxed AND sang at the SAME TIME! It was crazy. And two guys rapped. And I don't know. It was just cool to see all the talent that showed up.
Then me and Lindsay walked back here at like 12:15 and had a quick snack and now I'm here finishing up this blog [which has taken me FOR FREAKING EVER!] And then Nick called me back and we talked and it was really good because I miss him a lot and we both have a lot going on with our lives right now.
But it's 2:43 and I'm exhausted. And ya'll are all caught up with my life at NYU!
Much Love.
You sound so busy!
holy shit i just scrolled down to see how many entries you have and one entry was like twelve pages long haha
i'll read it now.
OMG SOOOO COOL THAT YOU SAW GEMMA WARD!!! I know how much you love her and how cute she is!!!
Jewlie. This is your life now. These amazing things. This is your LIFE. Every day. It's fucking amazing.
Jewlie my mouth dropped when I saw you with Hannah and HSM2....WHAT WERE THOSE THINGS!!???
oh and I LOVE FAO, its the most amazing thing ever.
I wrote you a letter and I am sending it tomorrow!!
love ya!
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