So I HATE HATE HATE that I didn't a blog in yesterday. I was TOTALLY going to, before we went to Equus, but then Susan and I decided maybe we would go up early and see if we could catch Daniel on his way in. Therefore, as soon as I got home from class I pretty much had to get ready and then get uptown. Yesterday in general was a pretty typical day. I had my lab [which actually ended up being canceled] at 8:00 and then I talked to my mom for a bit since I had some extra time, which was really nice. I MISS HER! I met Susan for breakfast at Weinstein and then until 12:30 I did some of my reading for my journalism class next week. The rest of the day was basically class time until me and Susan headed uptown!
We got there an hour and a half before the show started, thinking that he definitely wouldn't have gone in yet. Well we waited. And waited. AND WAITED. And finally after about an hour, we noticed that a car had been parked across the street [in a no standing zone] since we got there. It then occurred to us that Daniel was in there waiting until like 3 minutes before the show started and then would just run in to avoid a scene. Well when it was finally 7:58 and we STILL hadn't seen him, we realized our guess was correct. But we HAD to go in to get to our seats in time!
Our seats were 16th row, center and for the first time my view was completely unobstructed! The show was absolutely phenomenal. And not just because Daniel Radcliffe was in it. He wasn't even my favorite actor! The guy who played the psychologist has to be the best actor I have ever seen in my entire life. He was just...amazing! I can't even describe it. Overall, I thought the play was put on very well, the only actor I thought did a poor job was the woman who played Daniel Radcliffe's character's mother.
I was also pleasantly surprised to find that I wasn't watching Daniel and seeing Harry Potter. He is, in fact, a really great actor! And I enjoyed reading in his bio that he loves Shakespeare and hopes to play Bottom one day. And that Company is his favorite Broadway musical [yay Sondheim!]. He also mentioned that he love theater and hopes to someday be in a musical, since he has started taking vocal lessons. I really enjoyed his performance and I thought that it took a lot of guts and a lot of talent to play the part as well as he did. Basically dont' go see it to see Harry Potter because you'll be sorely disappointed. However, it's a marvelous piece of theater and I cant' wait for someone to visit me so we can see it together and discuss it.

He looks so much older than 19!

Aww but he's so short!
After the show we waited by the stage door to meet Daniel because Susan loves him. They did the smartest thing! You had to show your ticket from THAT night in order to get to wait by the stage door. Genius! Earlier, I had bought a copy of Details magazine [he's on the cover] and he signed it for me! Loves it! And also, he is VERY short! Maybe only 5'4"! He was so tiny! I had no idea!

Now, on to today. Basically, I was SO flipping tired the whole day! I went to Starbucks, then classes, then work. Work was SUPES chill because Keith and Chris are out of town for the rest of the week. No offense to them, but they're SO stressed that it gives off this really negative tension at work. Haha. So it was just me, Jen, Robyn, Mo, Diane and Chaunte today. It was really relaxed. Not too many orders to pack. I got to catch up with my Jen Jen since I've been missing her all week and we even had a funny little photoshoot with all the boxes in the warehouse. So fun! I got to talk to Mo a lot again today. I just love Mo. He has the best taste in music [HELLO! Something Corporate, DCFC, Interpol, Gym Class Heroes just to name a few bands we listened to today] and he totally listens to everything I say and enjoys talking to me about music [even McFly!]. After packing orders, I helped Diane. She's so cute! She says I'm her favorite girl. Awww!
But now I'm home and showered [thank God!] and in kind of a hurry because we're all heading up to Bryant Park for the Zac Posen show! Expect pics tomorrow!
Much Love.