But anyway, me and E. went to Weinstein because I was supposed to meet Susan there but then I realized I don't get service in Weinstein and so we ended up missing each other because of this giant misunderstanding and I felt like a jerk. But Sue forgave me. Duh. I love her. But yeah. Me and E. had breakfast and then I came back to the dorm and worked on finishing off my Social Paper and my Writing Paper. Then I took a nap. SO GLORIOUS! Omg. I missed napping.
I had lunch with Fabi and then printed off my papers and sent them off in the mail. So I'm officially done with Writing and Social Foundations! I checked my mail and I got a really nice card from Mia thanking me for letting her stay here. And she sent me the CUTEST necklace ever! I love it! So that was a really nice surprise. Then I started studying for Science. That's pretty much all I have to do until Friday. It's really agonizing.

It says "Oui" in cursive. I seriously this it's ahdoorbell.

When I needed a break from Science, I started cleaning up the common room and packing more stuff up. Me, Fabi, Lindsay, Susan and Kayla all did. We got a lot done. After cleaning it was time for Kayla to leave. For good. SO SAD! We helped her take her suitcases down to the curb and call her a cab and I seriously started tearing up. The house will be so quiet! And so not the same. I'm already sad. And we wont' see her for goodness only knows how long! But definitely next year. Definitely.
What else...I had dinner with E. Yeah she's my lover. It was Karaoke night. OMG. It was priceless. Karaoke night basically means that the Dining Hall Staff sings really funny songs, really badly. I will miss them all so much. Val sang "I'm Bad" by Michael Jackson while Ivan did the moon walk and Ivan sang "The Greatest Love of All" and this one guy sang "I Believe I Can Fly" and then. THEN! This random kid decided he was going to sing "Ghostbusters" and OMG me and E. were CRYING we were laughing so hard. He didn't know how the part that goes "I ain't afraid of no ghost" goes and so he like sang it really long and slow. And then he goes "Bustin' makes me feel so good!" And that was it. We flipping LOST IT. It was the greatest dinner ever.
But now I'm in my room. Not studying. HAHA. But I'm off to go review some powerpoint slides and put my pjs on. I'm SO sleeping in tomorrow. And me and Sue are going to get the Miley/Mandy sunglasses so we can make a video. So fun! OH OH OH! Gossip Girl last night?! HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! So intense! I can't even describe it. Eric coming out with Jenny's dog walking boyfriend and then Georgina and Serena's sex tape...and she KILLED someone?! CANNOT wait for next week's episode. Night lovelies!
Much Love.
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