I study study studied pretty much all day. And I took a nap. And a shower. And then I started to get ready because Susan, Lindsay, Fabi, P. and I had dinner reservations at Serendipity. Oh my goodness! It was so fun! We all get semi-dressed up and the restaurant was the FLIPPING CUTEST place ever! If you've seen the movie Serendipity then you've seen bits of the place. It wasn't what I expected...it was way cuter! So yeah. If any of you ever come visit me that's where I'm taking you. Plus it's right near Bloomingdale's [Hello 59th and Lex! The best train station in the city!] and a GIANT Urban Outfitters [Susan was like drooling over it] AND Dylan's Candy Bar which I've been looking for all year.
We got there and our table was all ready which was good because we were all starved! Like I said, the place was darling. And the menu was REALLY extensive. It's kind of pricey but it was our last night out all together [minus Kayla]. I got a tasty Black Bean Burger. It was sooo good. Everyone's food looked really good. And then, the surprise of the night happened. Guess who was eating like 5 tables over from us? Mr. Danny Zuko himself, John Travolta! It was so random! He was leaving and Lindsay was like "Look it's John Travolta" and he looked over and WAVED at us! Haha! It was awesome!

When our food came, we all dug in, but secretly we were all saving ourselves for desert because Serendipity is famous for it's desert. Especially it's Frozen Hot Chocolate [which we sell at FF by the way!] The deserts were massive! But I cannot even tell you the extent of the deliciousness. Sweet mother, it was all SO GOOD! Susan had Frozen Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate, I had a Sundae that consisted of 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream, one scoop chocolate and peanut butter drizzles, Lindsay has Peanut Butter pie with ice cream and chocolate sauce and a banana, P. had what Susan had and Fabi had Dark Chocolate Cake. We all tried a bit of everyone's. They were to die for! It's worth it to go just for the desert! AND the played Marie Digby's WHOLE cd while we were there, so I messaged her on Myspace to tell her.

After we got home, I changed into my PJs and talked to Kyle. We kind of had a bit of a fight yesterday. But everything is essentially alright now. And then you'll never guess who I talked to on the phone! Sam! We talked for like an hour about school and life and all the drama that is apparently happening back in Clarkston. We didnt' get to talk as long as we wanted because I had to go finish studying and get some sleep, but I'm calling her again tomorrow to talk for a while after Susan leaves.
That being said, I have to go finish studying. Wish me luck tomorrow!
Much Love.
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