So yeah. That's what my room looks like. Crazy. Especially if you've ever been IN my room. It was very lived in. Me, Fabi and Lindsay all sold books back today. It was good to get some cash, I think I can skip a trip to the ATM for the cab ride to the airport. Then we all gathered up stuff to donate and took it down to C3. That took a lot of trips. Haha. We had A LOT to get rid of. We all had our last dinner together in the dining hall. I had to go print my boarding pass and my paper for Cultural tomorrow and I ran into Rana in the computer lab. We talked about Diyanni and Glassman's class. We're going to have a farewell breakfast after Diyanni's final with E. tomorrow. And then it was time for Gossip Girl! Our last Gossip Girl in New York! It was so sad not having Susan there. There wasn't anyone to say "XOXO Gossip Girl" with! The episode was so scandalous. I can't believe next week in the season finale. I'm SO buying it on DVD when it comes out.
But now I'm off to do some last minute studying for my Cultural Final tomorrow. OH! I got an 89% on my Life Science Final AND in the class. So yay me! 89% is like the best grade I've ever gotten in a science class. Haha. So yeah. Wish me luck and I'll see you all in Michigan tomorrow!
Much Love.
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