I haven't started packing yet, but I think I'm gonna get on that today since Kyle's hanging out with the guys and I can't get ahold of Nick. I'm kind of intimidated by the idea of having to put all my belongings in suitcases. I have A LOT of clothes. EEEE. It's gonna be hard to pick only my necessities!
I haven't been up to much since my last update. I finished up working at my Disney Princess Ballet camp, which was a total blast and other than that I've just been bumming around, hanging out with Kaity and Kyle and trying to spend the last days of summer wisely.

Last week we had a 80's Themed Roller Skating Extravaganza as sort of a goodbye party and it was hysterical! We all dressed up in neon colors and spandex and just had a blast. We thought everyone would think we looked insane, but actually a bunch of kids came up to us and said we looked awesome. They even wanted to know where we got our outfits! [They were mostly old dance costumes].

Me, Kaity, Nat-Attack, Kevin and Tim went to the Phantom Planet/JACK'S MANNEQUIN!!!/Paramore concert and that was pretty much the last thing I got to do with Kaity. But it was so fun. It was about 45 minutes away so we had some car ride adventures and then it ended up raining the whole night!! We got soaked and we froze our butts off but it was a really high energy and exciting concert. I am OBSESSED with Jack's Mannequin and cannot wait for the new cd to come out Sept. 30th! Me and Kaity and Nats had a lot of fun impersonating the scene kids as well.

Speaking of music the Jo Bro's cd finally came out! A Little Bit Longer is like the most amazing JB cd yet! I love it. I won't rant about it or anything but just go out and buy it! I did a little review of it on the FF Blog so you can check that out if you want. Me, Kaity and Nats were at Target at 8AM to be the first ones to get the special bonus edition the morning it came out! It was totes worth it!
Okay this is getting long, I know, so I'm going to wrap it up. I dyed my hair red and at first I pretty much hated it but now I kind of love it.

So there's that. And yesterday was my Mom's birthday and other than that...well that's pretty much it! T-minus one week until the daily [hopefully shorter] blogs return!
Much Love.
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