Okay so today was my first day back at FF! It was pure amazingness! Although the day started off a bit rough...I accidently got on an uptown train instead of a Brooklyn bound one! So that was like a 20 minute detour. However, I fixed it no prob and was even 30 minutes early for work! Jen and Chris were at a meeting at the store, but I got to meet Robyn and Chanute, who are new to me, and of course I got to catch up with Mo and Keith. I was extra excited to see Diane! It was straight to picking orders and packing boxes for me, but we only had 64 orders today, which is like a record low...bummer. But then Jen and Chris got back and Sugar and Jen Jen were reunited at last! We had a "Welcome Back" meeting [just Jen and I] and basically Jen told me tons of exciting news: I now get 60% discount on clothes and accessories because we're going to have to wear FF stuff when we work in the store, I GET TO WORK IN THE STORE 2 DAYS A WEEK WHEN IT OPENS [but Shhh! It's TOP secret!] and we're having a sample sale next Saturday. Yay! So after picking/packing was done, I helped Diane out by doing something I found SUPES enjoyable. I got to make the colorblock Talking Japanese watches! I got to pick out all the colors I wanted to put together and then I got to take the watches apart and put them back together. It was a lot funner than it sounds! And I got a little bonding time with Robyn about getting my ears pierced and going to NYU [she was MEGA impressed] and basically I love her [but still miss Amanda A TON].
After work I checked my texts and got one from Kaity with MORE exciting news: SELENA GOMEZ AND HENRIE DAVID ARE COMING TO THE DISNEY STORE ON 5TH AVE NEXT SATURDAYYYYY! So I immediately texted Susan and we both FLIPPED and we're SO going! OMG David Henrie is SO hot and I LOVE Selena! [Team Demi/Selena!]
So I got home and had like an hour long convo with my mom to update her on all the awesome-ness going on in my life while making a MASSIVE Fred Flare wishlist with which to use my new 60% discount. Which reminds me, I picked up my new tooth earrings and my new PB&J ones! SO CUTE! And basically then I unpacked my box from Fabi's storage, made my bed, hung up my clothes, ate some food, etc.

Later tonite I'm having a video chat with Kaity because we haven't talked/seen each other in FOREVZ. Also I got a couple more school books so I've been flipping through those. But now I think I'm gonna relax, have some tea and maybe watch a little teevz while I wait for Linds, Susan and Fabi to get back from all their respective locations. More adventures to come!
Much Love.
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