So naturally, I'm already sweating like a pig by the time the train arrives and then it was off to Union Square. It was so weird getting of the uptown train there instead of getting on it. Totally weirded me out. I headed over to Third North and checked in and everything and got to work. It was quite an experience. It was so hot that I ended up rolling my jeans up into Bermuda shorts and rolling the sleeves up on my shirt and then twisting the extra fabric to make it like a belly shirt so that the small of my back wouldn't sweat so much! And it was hard work too! So much lifting and pushing like 200-300 pound carts around for 5 hours!
Yeah. That's right. 5 hours, not 4. NO ONE CAME TO REPLACE ME! So I got stuck working an extra hour before I finally complained that I'd been there since 9:45 and had no bathroom break, no lunch break and no water break like we were supposed to get. But enough complaining. It was still fun. I only moved in one girl, all the rest were boys. Which was fine by me. It was definitely the most straight guys I've ever encountered in my whole NYU experience. There were some cute ones to, not gonna lie. HAHA. But the one girl I moved in was AMAZINGLY friendly and nice. She let me have a water bottle and hang out in the air conditioned room for a bit. SO NICE! Oh...and some guy insisted on tipping me $5 even though I'm pretty sure that's like illegal or something, since it was volunteer work and everything. But I took it and got Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee for the trip back with it.
OH OH OH! And you'll never guess who I ran into...KAYLA! No idea what she was doing at Third North but she screamed my name and then we hugged each other and jumped up and down and shrieked for like 5 minutes. It was the highlight of my day. I missed her more than I realized. But back to the journey home: I got a bit lost [I know I know! ME, lost in Manhattan??!!] But only for like 4 minutes and by the time I got back to the hotel I took a nice, freezing bath and cooled off.

Later, me and my parents went to see Cirque Dreams and it was SPECTAC! LOVED IT! Seriously, it was amazing. I really want to see the LOVE show but it's only in Vegas. Boo. But still, it was so beautiful, I really really enjoyed it. Tomorrow we're gonna take it easy, get some groceries for me, go to Bed Bath and Beyond for a bit and officially move all my junk in and then maybe go up to Central Park and have desert at Serendipity. But who knows, like I said, no plans- just taking it easy. So yeah. Sorry this was so long! They'll get shorter I promise! Oh and in case you wanna send me mail [PLEASE!] my address is 200 Water street. New York, NY 10038 !!
Much Love.
HOLY COW JEWLIE. I love the first picture of you, you look absolutely insane! NYU looks so fun. I wish that I was going there. >.< And I love your view! I am definitely coming to visit. Yes ma'am.
HEy! DId you move a girl named Chelsea Ignani in?? She is BEAUTIFUL skinny girl with brown hair? I dunno..shes my cousin...ha ha! Cant wait to see you!
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