Things I did today:
- Went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get random stuff that I needed.
- Grocery shopping. Mmm! Food!
- Decorating/Organizing my room. Yay Jo Bro's posters!
Sup B-R-DOUBLE O-K-LYN Bridge.
- Walk around South St. Seaport
- Dinner with the rents. Spectac view. Right on the water.
- Aimless wandering. Cool.
- TALKING TO KYLEEE! Even though it was kinda brief. It was MUCH needed. We keep missing each other. Sucky.
- Trying to watch The Hills.
- Failing to figure out what channel is MTV.
- Picking out nearly $100 worth of stuff I "need" at American Apparel.
Coming soon: Pictures of last night's last minute trip to Serendipity [no celebs spotted] and of course pictures of me and Susan's Sleepover extravaganza. More news to come!
Much Love.
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