Today's update is going to be supes quick. And in list form. Here we go!
What Jewlie Did Today In List Form:
1. Woke up
2. Walked to class with Susan and Fabi
3. Sat with Elizabeth and we laughed and had a really good time in Cultural
4. Went to Starbucks
5. Had a bagel with my latte
6. Called Mrs. Bills to make an appointment to get my hair done for next Friday.
7. Took my first NYU bus ride ever to Seaport
8. Fell in love with Seaport
9. Met Professor Nicholas and random students I don't know in front of the Bodies Exhibit
10. Decided to meet some of the random kids and actually made two really good friends: Alexandra [who ironically grew up in Rochester Hills] and Shannon [who not so ironically grew up in Korea] they're both Sophomores. Shannon said she studied abroad in London her freshmen year and that I'll love it next year. EEP!
11. Waited outside in the cold for a really long time while headset guy yelled at us for no apparent reason
12. Went into the Bodies Exhibit
13. Went through 3 of the rooms
14. Passed out from Lord only knows what
15. Professor Nicholas sat with me for 20 minutes and Alexandra gave me half a brownie to restore my blood sugar levels.
16. I fully recovered.
17. I went through the rest of Bodies. It really wasn't that cool.
18. Got on NYU bus to go back to the dorm
19. NYU bus broke down
20. Got on another NYU bus and went back to Third North
21. Had lunch.
22. Finished Life Science homework and outlined my Writing Draft
23. Talked to my mom. Miss her lots. And talked to my dad as well this morning.
24. Went to dinner with Susan
25. Had donuts with Tina, Kayla, Susan, Fabi, Lindsay, P. and Chris Stipeck [this guy who is in charge of like Explorations and stuff at NYU.]
26. Discovered Chris Stipeck is hilarious
27. Played the most intense game of Uno known to man
28. Worked out while listening to McFly
29. Talked to my bestest betch in the whole wide world.
30. Took some medicine for my cold.

Sorry that list was so incredibly long and lacking details about all the scandals that happened to me today. I'll probably do another vlog tomorrow and I can expand upon my passing out and intense Uno stories and tell you all about the lovely South Seaport. But right now it's late late late and I have to get up kind of early to have breakfast with Susan. So more elaboration demain [tomorrow en français].
Much Love.