I'm BAAAACKKKK. In New York that is. I had a super awesome time being home and hanging out with Kaity and Kyle and Nick and Britt Britt! Obviously I'm not blogging on all the amazing-ness that went down but let's just say there were about a ZILLION blog worthy quotes and activities. Highlites include: C-Bou with Britt Britt, Kaity and Nick, being the most talked about person at Musical without evening attending CHS anymore, watching the boys dance at Musical rehearsal, watching tons of movies with my mom, watching Rat Race with Nats and Kaity while feasting on Hungry Howie's and Funfetti cookies, looking up all the freak accidents that have happened at Disney World with my dad and anytime I spent with the Jeroloman family [Espesh Mr. J]. But the time for fun and games is over...NOT! My Bestie is coming to visit me in 3 days! And she's a New York virgin!

My birthday present from Nick. It's us!

Birthday card Kaity forgot to send with my McFly blanket.

Betch at Caribou

Our fishy faces.

Touch your nose.

Ummm yeah. This is us!

Our Fatima faces! HAHAHAHAHA!

Spending some quality time with my Fat Baby.

The straw bracelet Nick made me. HAHA.

The Empire State Building is all Easter colors! Yellow, Pink and Green!
But I can't spend a lot of time blogging about all of the scandals I've had and plan to have this week because I have to get cracking on my homework for this week so I can have fun times with my Betch. So yes. My flight home was just fine and I got to share a cab with these 2 girls from NYU and I updated my Jo Bro's wall and hung out with Kayla for a bit. It's good to be back. Even though I have a cold and school/work tomorrow. But I'm off to read Persuasion. Happy Easter!
Much Love.
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