Yeah. I don't really care what you think because I think it looks AMAZING and I LOVE it. Seriously. Love love love it. And it's been getting really good reactions. I emailed to Jen Jen and she said everyone at FF loves it and never wants me to change it. And Kaity is in love with it too. But not as much as her mom is. And Tom thinks its hot. And basically everyone thinks its adorable. So yeah. That was the most exciting thing of the day.
After my hair appointment I went with Kaity to the mall to get Mal's birthday present. But first we got SHAMROCK SHAKES AT McDonald's! Mmm! So good! And then we were being silly in Sports Authority. And we ran into Jenny [Hayley's little sister] and her friend Sarah which was fun. OH OH OH! And on our way to the mall when we were on I-75 me and Kaity were talking and then out of the corner of our eye we see BRITT BRITT in the car next to us waving like a fool. It was so funny. So we rolled down the windows and she shouted that she likes my hair. I miss Britt Britt. But I think she might be seeing my mom's play with me and Kaity tomorrow night. Who knows. And me and Betch are having a Sleepover Extravaganza after that. EEP!

So yes. I spent lots of loverly time with my loverrr and then Rachey called me and told me she got into NYU and she's visiting two more times this year and then going there next year!!!! So that was MEGA exciting. I popped on over to the South Pacific rehearsal at the high school and saw Mr. Tice. He's such a crazy man. And I saw Amy and she said I looked cute as a button.
But this blog is already longer than intended and I want to go eat all the tasty bits food downstairs in the kitchen. Love you!!!
Much Love.
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