Mexican Candy from Fabi.
Classes were blah. Lindsay skipped Science today so I sat with that girl Shannon that I met at the Bodies exhibit. She's really nice. Oh! And all my professors noticed my hair and complimented me on it. So did basically my entire Writing Class. Haha. I love that class. Everyone is so random and funny. We're watching Wall Street in there right now. Great movie. Loves it.
I had a fabulous reunion at FF! I missed all my lovelies. Of course everyone loved my hair and Mo started working again! He's going to be our new SRP manager! And Diane was so cute! She was like "OHHH JEWlIE! I MISSED YOU!" And she ran over and gave me a hug. And of course I saved a hug for my Jen Jen! Me and Amanda got a chance to talk American Idol and Mo even joined in on our convo a bit. We got tons of cute new merch and everything has been all moved around! I only picked one order today but it was the LARGEST order [that's not wholesale] EVER! It had 52 items and was $886.00! Madness! Mo had to pack it. Haha! But yeah I was glad to be back at work and I even got off a little early so I got to work on my homework more than usual.
When I got home from work I pretty much just worked on Cultural homework. I'm reading Persuasion. LOVE LOVE LOVE Jane Austen. She's the best. And we're learning about Beethoven as well. I picked up my guest pass for Kaity and had everyone sign that and then I got a box to go, though there wasn't anything spectacular. OH! And Manny's here! You may or may not remember Manny, he's Fabi's boyfriend and he stayed with us back in November. But he's here for like a week. And you gotta love Manny, he's super nice and polite.
AND AND AND! I had a LOVELY reunion with my NYU Bestie Susan! I brought her some Miley posters and when I went into her room she pretty much screamed and hugged me so tight I thought I was going to explode. We missed each other. Haha. And naturally we got all caught up in our Spring Break gossip and time flew by and speaking of, time is flying by right now and I really gotta go do some more homework before The Hills tonite. Only 7 weeks and 2 days until summer!
Much Love.
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