After Life Science I walked to Writing and our final draft of our paper was due. AKA there were literally 9 people in my class. Of course Miss Langer just made a joke out of this about how she knew no one showed up because the paper was due and talked about how she read this book in which a teacher discovered his students [who hated to write] were actually quite good by the excuse notes they always brought him about why they didn't come to class or turn in an assignment. It was really funny. Plus since no one showed up, we just had a big discussion about the myth of empowerment through education and how the school system is failing us as a society. It was really awesome. It was one of those classes where I walked out and felt like I really learned something. Like this is what college is about. And it was just a great feeling.
Of course this great feeling was cut short due to the fact that I had to haul my butt to Fred Flare. Luckily we only had 295 orders today so it was really easy. Diane helped me a little but I did most of the work on my own. I finished packing around 3:00 and then made boxes until like 3:30. Then Chris told me he had some projects for me to help Diane which included shelving the supes cute Ice Cream Lamps! Seriously. When those things go up they're going to sell like hot cakes! They're so darn adorable! And I did various other things to help Chris and Diane out. I'm no longer working Fridays for this month since the budget wont' allow it. It's kind of a bummer because I never see Coors Light now. We're both only working 2 days a week. But it's nice because I'll have extra time to hang with the girls and study for midterms this weekend. And I noticed another thing today. For the past week or so, I've noticed that Julie hasn't been at work and today it has hit me...I don't think she works at Fred Flare anymore. And I don't know why but I'm afraid to ask. Maybe I'll see if I can get something out of Jen tomorrow when it's just us girls.
Anyway. On my way home from work I picked up a salad from the dining hall and checked my mail to find a lovely package from my mom! It was the best thing that happened to me all day! And it was all purple thing. A bit of irony struck because this all purple package came on the day I was wearing my only purple shirt and the card even says [mom's favorite Elf quote] "I like your purple top. You're looking very purpley!" And I WAS wearing a purple top! I found it very funny and I loved it. I tried to call my mom to thank her and tell her about the purple shirt but she didn't answer because she was probably at rehearsal. I fixed myself the other half of my Minestrone soup and ate my salad and then got to work on some Writing homework after I checked my emails and such.

Then I had to go into Susan's room with Lindsay and Fabi to submit our Housing Lottery which basically just says that we want to room together next year etc. Nothing about the dorms yet. After getting that out of the way, we made some weekend plans to help ease the midterm madness. On Friday we're going to do a little shopping and perhaps make it out to the Seventeen Casting Call and then on Saturday a little more shopping on 5th Ave. and then dinner at OLIVE GARDEN! I'm so pumped. All the Olive Garden talk last night inspired me and Susan to take a trip out there with Fabi and Lindsay. So we have that to look forward to amidst our studying.
But now I must get ready for bed and call Kyle because I'm exhausted from my lack of sleep last night. Monday is over everyone! And tomorrow is a new day.
Much Love.
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