So yeah I watched McFly videos and listened to music. At one point I was trying to procrastinate so hard that I just put on Girlfriend and danced in my room so that I could postpone starting the paper 4 more minutes. Then I took a nap. HAHA. And then Kyle called me so that gave me an excuse to put it off even more. But we didn't talk long because I had a killer headache. Then I called my mom and we talked for a little while and THEN I started the paper. Good thing it's not due until the 12th. Haha. So I wrote about 3/4 of the paper and then I finally watched American Idol. DAVID DID SO GOOD! I cried during his performance! It was epifabical.

After American Idol I came up with another thing to procrastinate: printing. So I went into Susan's room and we talked about how the printer is so close yet we find it so inconvenient and we are really lazy for not wanting to ride the elevator down 14 floors and then walk 2 flights of stairs. Which it's true. It just feels like it's a lot farther than it is. And to think-some people don't have free printing in their basement! I'm totes bringing a printer to school next year. No questions.
But I finally went down to print and I had to wait 20 MINUTES just to print 7 pages! Yeah. Sunday nights are always really crowded because everyone's trying to get their homework for the week printed. It was ridiculous. Then I checked my mail but there wasn't anything. But my mom said she sent me a maybe tomorrow?! When I got back upstairs I made myself some Minestrone soup. Mmm! It was SO good! And Susan came in to make popcorn and we literally talked about how much we love food for like 30 minutes. It all started with Olive Garden the greatest restaurant in the world and then progressed to all foods in general. Then Fabi came in and talked about food with us and finally we decided we all had stuff to do.
Which brings me to right now. The 2nd of March already. And tomorrow is Monday. My least favorite day of the week. The most STRESSFUL day of the week. School/Work day. Hopefully there will only be like 200 orders tomorrow or something. We'll see. But in light of tomorrow being the suckiest day in the world I've put up a video for your viewing pleasure.
The story behind this video is that jails in the Philippines have discovered that its more effective to teach their inmates dances. Apparently its really successful for turning them into better people and getting rid of their negativity. They also do Thriller, The Hustle and more! So yeah. Try and have a good Monday.
Much Love.
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