Yesterday was a pretty busy day. I woke up at 10:00 at Kaity's and lazed around until mom came to get me at 11:00. Then I lazed around at home and we watched Music and Lyrics. Not sure if Mom really liked it that much but I love it. Hugh Grant is in it. Yeah. Then I got in the shower and Amanda came over. We lazed around [notice a pattern? I WAS EXHAUSTED] and then we met up with Curt and Kyle at Caribou. I miss Caribou already. It was really fun though. Curt's such a funny kid. And we awkwardly ran into like a billion people from CHS. Then I took Amanda back to my house for Thanksgiving Dinner Part Deux. After that me and Mom went to see Enchanted. I LOVED IT. It was so good. She really enjoyed it too. Then I went over to Curt's house and I met his supes cute girlfriend and we were going to go to Ram's Horn but we never made it. Which was fine because we just sort of [you guessed it] lazed around. Is lazed even a word? I think I might have just made it up. Anyway. It was perfect. End of story.
I woke up early this morning so that I could go say goodbye. I don't want to talk about that part of the day. It was really upsetting. But I did appreciate Mr. Jerolamon making me laugh by asking me if I liked his faux hawk. Which reminds me. Kaity's parents said something on Friday that my mom TOTES says and drives me insane. They asked Kaity if me and Nick were an item. WHO SAYS THAT?! PEOPLE ARE SO NOT GROCERIES. YOU DON'T PURCHASE THEM. LSKDJFLSDF. So yeah. I was like "OMG I can't believe your parents say that too!" It was so weird.
So then I slept the whole way to the airport and the whole airport experience was upsetting as well. I didn't feel very good and I was just sad to leave. Even though Mom's coming in on Saturday [EEP!]. So yeah. Basically the short version of the aiport/airplane ride is that it was the world's smallest airplane ever. Especially compared to the 188 person one I flew into Detroit on. This was 33 people. Big difference. It was so small that my Dooney and Bourke bag was hanging out into the aisle! And I SAT NEXT TO A CRYING BABY. THAT CRIED THE WHOLE WAY. LKJSDFSDF. But I tried to sleep. And the cab ride was a little sketch because I'd never gone that way before and I didn't know where the heck we were. But I'm alive.

Yay pictures!
Me and Fab had this whole fiasco looking for food. All the halls were closed. So we went to Dunkin Donuts. I had a bagel and a coffee. Then I unpacked and Fab and I talked for a long time. Kayla came home. We bought the same Erin Featherston jumper from Target. And had a good laugh about it. We showed eachother our purchases and now I'm just writing everyone letters back and having some tea. I'll probably call Kyle later. And I'm going to sleep early because it's only 6:00 and I'm already exhausted. I'm already in my pjs. Haha.
It was fabulous seeing most of you this past weekend. Only 24 days until I'm home!
Much Love.
1 comment:
eeeew a crying baby!
that's seriously horrible.
i would die.
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