Then it was off to LAS. It wasn't THAT bad. Only slightly boring. Then it was a long freezing walk back home in the half rain/half hurricane winds. When I got here I checked my email and such and then I packed BECAUSE I'M RETURNING TO MICHIGAN TOMORROW! And I called my mom and we had a nice chat! MISS YOU MOM! After that I had some lunch with Susan and Fabi. Then I talked to Susan while she finished packing and we had a sad goodbye since her train was at like 3:30. Yeah. I miss her already. But she left her door unlocked so I can watch some movies tonite!
After that I came back to my room and found out the best news ever. MARY-KATE IS ON THE NEW COVER OF NYLON! I immediately got my stuff together and went out on a hunt for it. Okay. I trekked around Manhatten for like an hour looking for this magazine...and came back EMPTY HANDED! This is no exageration. I went to the magazine place right outside our dorm, the Duane Reade on 9th Street, Barnes and Nobles, the Strand, Virgin Records, Walgreens, the Duane Reade on 15th and then BACK to the magazine place. So I came up all bummed [even though my Cosmogirl came in the mail] and found out it's not on stands for another week. Yeah I'm an idiot. Haha.
Here's some old pictures that Juliana tagged me in on facebook. They're so funny!

Oh! And I'm listening to McFly and I talked to my bestest Betch today! And printed my boarding pass. I'm kind of nervous about traveling tomorrow. But I'll be okay. But I'm still totes stressed. OH! And I saved a bunch of pictures from Gossip Girls episodes into my Celebrities folder on iPhoto. Loves it! Here's some of my favs!

Dan and Serena are so cute!
So then I got all caught up on the latest celeb scandals and TINA BROUGHT ME MY NICK POSTER!!!!!!!

Sorry this entry is so full of pictures! Anyway. I had dinner with Kayla and it was fabulous. I basically told her my life story. And she told me hers. Loves it. Then Brandon called and we're going to leave at 12:00 tomorrow for the airport which makes me feel SO much better. And I almost forgot that I talked to Sam today! Miss her! I might see her at Caribou tomorrow and possibly at Enchanted since I guess her and Kate are seeing it tomorrow night as well! Now I'm off to shower and watch The OC in Susan's room. SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!
Much Love.
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