When I got home I quickly got my stuff together and it was off to Fred Flare. It was totes a long day. WE FILLED 817 ORDERS! Yeah. That's 200 more than last Monday. And 400 more than 2 Mondays ago. It was INSANE. So obviously I packed boxes. I graduated on to the bigger boxes! Yay Little J! OMG AND I FILLED AN ORDER TODAY FROM CLARKSTON! IT WAS SO COOL I FLIPPED OUT! And then I did some gift wrap and then we ran freakishly low on boxes so I made some more boxes and then I went back to packing. Cory worked for a little while too earlier in the day. But oh my gosh. Chris was being so funny today. The boxes are all named by their dimensions but Chris calls them by different names and we have one called the Break Down box because it can break down to be different sizes and today Chris goes "We should rename the Break Down Box the Britterz Box." And me and Jen just cracked up. And then our little motto for whenever we get like a bunch of new shipments or something bad happens we just say "Suck it." And today Chris decided that it was getting a little out of hand and that we needed a more appropriate saying and so we sat around trying to come up with something else and Keith [who literally stood and thought about it for a good 3 minutes] goes, in all seriousness, "How about flush it." And there was this awkward silence in the whole warehouse and then everyone just CRACKED UP. Because like...WHAT?! Flush it. Keith was like crying he was laughing so hard. Like no. I was laughing because he thought it was SO funny. So now we say Flush It! Yeah. I have the best bosses ever.
At 5:00 I said bye to everyone and then I headed home. I was EXHAUSTED. Luckily I didn't have to wait too long for the metro. I checked my mail and I finally got my package from Anne Marie! And I got one from Auntie Sandy and a letter from my Mom! So it was a good mail day!

YUMMY LIP GLOSS from Auntie Sandy!

Cute little bag with chocolates from Auntie Sandy!

Anne Marie decorated the envelope all cute!

And she wrote me a nice long letter!

Then I had dinner with Susan, Sophie, Kayla and Fabi. There wasn't anything too good but I wasn't that hungry so it didn't matter. We ran into Tina at dinner and SHE BROGHT ME MY JONAS BROTHERS POSTER! AND AND AND! She told us that Miley left Susan a signed cd the other week! But she left that at MTV on accident. But seriously. I mean that was so nice of her. She didn't have to do that. She even said she was really busy but she found time to leave one anyway. I'm totes jealous. But still. UGH SO COOL!
Now I'm off to go work on some homework and then The Hills is on at 10:00! See you all in 2 days!
Much Love.
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