I mean I really sort of look like her right? Oh. And Hannah Montana tickets are on ebay for up to $2000 dollars. Yeah that's 3 zeros. INSANE. Today me and Susan went to breakfast at 10:00. At 12:30 we were STILL THERE. Yeah. We just sat around talking about Disney World. Haha. And Hannah. And various other things. Then my bestest betch called and we chatted about recent scandals. But then I was like "Okay. I seriously have to go work on my paper." Because A] I want it done. STAT. and B] I want to go to the giant Toys R Us tomorrow to ride the ferris wheel but only if my work is done first. So I worked on my paper FOREVER. But also got distracted by this FLIPPING HILARIOUS video of Mcfly. I like cried I laughed so hard. And of course then I had to listen to McFly for a while. Ohhhh those boys.
OH! And my Spiderman dvd mysteriously showed up. No really. I've been complaining about it vocally for a few weeks and last night Kayla went down and served up some betchcakes to those girls in the ghetto and today when I was in the room, Kelly went to go see Jia and she comes back into the room and goes "Is this your Spiderman dvd?" THOSE BETCHES HAD GOTTEN SO SCARED THEY LEFT IT IN THE STAIRWELL! They didn't even have the guts to put it back on the shelf. What bobobebes. Seriously. WHO DOES THAT?
So yes. The entire rest of the day was spent working on my stupid Latin American Cultures paper. Right now it's like 10 pages. It needs to be 12. Sort of. But I still have to put my Bibliography on it so it'll be okay. I hope. Anyway. At 8:00 me, Susan, Fabi and Kayla went to Starbucks. I had a non-fat Peppermint Mocha. Mmm! And then we went to Toys R Us Express and I got THE BIG TOY BOOK! I went through and circled all the stuff I want. I'm really excited! It was SO fun! But then it was closing so we got kicked out. Now we're going to watch Spiderman. So yesssssss. Remember Snick? Just wondering. I'm listening to Love Affair by Regina and it's fabulous. Way underrated. Tomorrow is Sunday. Which means only a matter of DAYS until I'm home!

Much Love.
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