"A good way to pass th echeer when your'e on the road is to pay the toll for the car behind you. Do this and you might start to look at stoplights as holiday lights instead. Red means stop and be thankful for a moment. Green means go out and do nice things."
Loves it! So yes. Class was alright. Though I was basically falling asleep. But it was okay. Because it's all Holiday-y in the city! When I got back from class me and Lindsay and Kelly went to Borders to get cds! I got The Pipettes, Disney Channel Holiday [SO GOOD!] and the Marie Antoinette score. And they were all on sale with my coupon. Lovely! So yes. On the way home from Borders I stopped with Kelly at Rite Aid and bought Candy Canes! And we had a nice walk back. It was good to chat with her. We don't normally chat a lot.

When I got back I had lunch with Susan as usual. And then I worked on some homework and uploaded all my new cds. And I watched TRL with Susan love. THE JONAS BROTHERS WERE ON!!!! Soooooooooo attractive! And then I went down to get some dinner with Lindsay and Fabi. There was yummy food. I checked my mail and got a lovely letter from Ian Bean. I must write him back STAT.

Oh. And I was going to keep this sort of the downlow but last week Tina worked with The Jonas Brothers at her job at MTV. And then today...she was with The Jonas Brothers again. And she got Nick to autograph a poster of himself for me! But Tina left it at work. But I'll defintely be like lamenating it. And okay. This is what really blows my mind. Tina met Miley. LIKE SHE LEGITLY MET MILEY CYRUS. Wait...WHAT?! I cried. I'm not even kidding. She met Miley! SHE MET MILEY! And Miley told her to tell me and Susan thanks for being such big fans and if she has a chance she'll try to leave us something at MTV. But apparently she's really busy so probably not. But STILL! THE JO BRO'S AND MILEY. And she met Raven too! I am officially like so jealous of Tina it's not even funny. But now I'm back to working away at my giant homework load so I can be free when I'm home at Thanksgiving. So yes. Sorry this is rather short. Happy Holidays!
Much Love.
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