First stop was Hello Kitty's Birthday Party in Times Square! That's right, it was HK's birthday today! There was cake and cookies and LOTS of shopping involved. I got a new I.D. holder which is supes cute and Fabi got some things for her sister. We seriously spent like a good hour and a half in there. From there we started our journey to 59th and Lexington. We walked through Bryant Park and the skating rink is up and people were skating! I was really jealous.
Me and Hello Kitty!
My new I.D. tag.
Ice skating at Bryant Park!
We walked over to 5th Avenue and walked up that till we got to like 55th or something and then headed over to Lexington to get to Bloomingdale's for the Juicy Crittoure stuff. So we got to Bloomingdale's [the second time for me in a week] and found the puppy stuff...but it was disapointing. We only saw like 5 dogs maybe. And they didn't have any cute toys or a lot of the clothes left. So Fabi didn't end up getting anything for Bebe [her dog] but she did get herself some earrings that matched the rings she got earlier. And then we happened to pass by the Juicy purses...okay not happened I made us go over there. BUT! We found Juicy purses MAJORLY on sale and there was this REALLY cute one and so after some debate and a family discussion me and Fabi each got one. WE LOVE THEM.
Juicy Purse!
Next we took Lexington over to Madison Avenue and walked that from 59th to 82nd and just admired all the really amazing totes high-end stores like Chanel, D&G, Gucci, Prada, Valentino etc. AND THEN WE SAW IT. The Juicy Couture store on Madison Avenue! So of course we're like "Well...we HAVE to go in!" It was glorious. Seriously. I don't think I've ever loved a store more than the Juicy on Madison. IT WAS TWO STORIES! And we wanted EVERYTHING in it. But we didn't buy anything because we were already like the most spoiled NYU students ever. As Fabi said "We pulled a Kelly." HAHA. But no. We loved that store. A lot.
We saw the Waldorf-Astoria. Which I thought was like...really awesome.
Finally we arrived at 82nd and 5th Ave [aka The Met]. And it had been a hike. I mean really. We walked from 42nd and Broadway to 82nd and 5th Ave. Plus all the stores we walked in. And the walking we'd done earlier in the day. And the walk back to the Subway and the walk back to the dorm. And the walk around the museum. Speaking of, The Met...ehhh I know it's famous and all but really it wasn't all that great. Although we did have like a 40 minute hunt for that really famous painting of George Washington crossing that one river during that one war/battle thingy. Yeah. We found it. It was massive. But like...not THAT cool. We also spent about 20 minutes looking for the Costume Showroom only to find out it's not open yet. Yeah we're retarded. Other than that, we got the pictures for my assignment and then left because we were pretty tired from all the walking/standing.
The Met!
There's about a million like this. That thing goes on FOREVER!
BACK to Lexington Ave we went and took the Subway all the way to Union Square. From there we grabbed some dinner and it was SO delicious! They had lo mein, egg roles, spring rolls and rice! Which was good because me and Fabi were only running on a muffin and some coffee. So we chowed down and had some frozen yogurt with lucky charms for desert. Mmm! We checked our mail...nothing. Boo. And then headed back upstairs.
Except then at 8:00 we went back downstairs to use the rest of our meals. Haha. Anyway. I came back upstairs with Fab and finished editing my Writing paper which my Kyle edited for me. I feel pretty good about it. OH! And Sarah is gone. We don't know when she left but she did today. It's weird. I think I'm kind of going to miss having her around even though she like hated us. Anyway. It'll be...interesting. But yeah. Then I watched the final two episodes of Friends in season 1 and then me and Fabi had some popcorn and watched a movie. And I talked to Kyle. Duh.
Hope everyone had as fabulous a day as me and Fabi did. Night all!
Much Love.
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