So I got to my gate just in time to board and I'm sitting on the plane all anxious and I find out we have to evacuate the plane so they can shut it down because there's some kind of electrical error or something. So then we get off the plane. Then 10 minutes later we get back on the plane. Then we sit on the plane for 15 more minutes while it warms up. Then we taxi for 15 more minutes. All the while I'm like sobbing and am really anxious because I hate the part before the plane leaves the ground. But my actual flight was not too bad. We got in at 8:20 and I was in a weird state of unconsciousness but without being asleep the whole time. I was really out of it. But I had no trouble getting a taxi and I made it back to the dorm fine.
When I got to our room there were these two random people sleeping in our common room. I accidently woke them up but they were really nice, apparently they're Tina's friends. So then I went into my room and Kelly was sleeping so I just started unpacking my stuff which didnt' really take that long. And while I was unpacking and everything I felt okay but then Kyle called me and then I just sort of got unraveled. I went into Fabis' room and just talked to him and cried a lot. I just really miss him and Kaity. But then I decided I couldn't cry all day so I went back in my room and finished unpacking and when I was done it felt good. Plus my dad called and I got to talk to him which was really nice.
Eventually Kayla woke up while I was cutting up my Popstar and J-14 magazines and we talked about our breaks and everything and I showed her what Kelly brought me. Which reminds me I forgot to mention that! Kelly brought me two Sailor Moon movies on VHS and I can't wait to watch them! So me and Kayla got talking about Sailor Moon and we decided to watch some on YouTube since apparently that's all she's done since she got back to the dorm. It was really fun. We were laughing and talking and then we watched some Pokémon and some Totally Spies. We both made some tea and then we decided we would go to Yoga For The People that night.
Yoga For The People is a nonprofit group that holds yoga every night in the East Village for free. It's completely donation based and you can even rent your mats there. It's held in an apartment building and there's two studios it's held in. Kayla told me that when Mary-Kate is in the city and she wants to do yoga that's where she goes! It's really fun. A bunch of random East Villagers gather in this room [and I'm talking probably like 20-30 people!] mostly in their 20's I'd say and just do yoga. It was so nice. It was exactly what I needed. It was really hard though! I haven't stretched in so long! It was challenging but I liked that and if you couldn't do all the poses nobody was going to judge you. And everyone was friendly. I just loved it. So I might start going every Saturday night.
When me and Kayla were done at yoga [which lasts an hour by the way] we decided we'd go out and get something to eat. I suggested Around The Clock since it has tasty food and I was starved! Plus it's so close and so cheap! So we got back to the dorm and invited Kelly and the both of us hopped in the shower. While I was waiting for Kayla to be ready I called Kaity and we chatted. I MISS MY BETCHHHHHH! She told me her and Natalie are sending my Birthday Present early along with the Hannah Concert shirt which I forgot. I forgot a lot of stuff at home. Silly me! So I'm excited for that. Speaking of mail, I got mine. I HAD SO MANY MAGAZINES! I had Lucky, Harpar's Bazaar, Teen Vogue and then two paychecks from Fred Flare and some stuff from FIT! My mailbox was overflowing!
Me and Kelly and Kayla had dinner and it was SO good! I had a veggie burger and fries and oh my goodness my mouth is watering just thinking about it! But the service was really slow. Not that we were in a hurry but Kayla REALLY wanted her Coke. It was nice to go out just the three of us.

After dinner Kayla went to Walgreens and I came back and worked on my Jo Bro's wall. I was going to put a picture up tonite of it on the blog but I want to wait until I'm done with my Jonas Brother's Life Story pictures as well. Let me tell you. THE WALL IS INSANE! I love it. Speaking of Jo Bro's I still haven't seen Tina but Kayla told me she quit MTV because they wanted her to quit school and lose 15 pounds. I so don't blame her for quitting. OH! And no sign of Juliana. Kelly says that Juliana didn't like NYU very much [totes did not know that!] so it's like 99% sure she's gone forever. So weird. So very weird. Maybe our floor is cursed! Who knows, but they're dropping like flies!
Anyway. While I was working on my Jo Bro's wall, Kyle called me and we talked until I was pretty much passed out. I was so tired. I'd been up 18 hours with basically no caffeination in my system! So when we got off the phone I put my pj's on and just passed out. But I woke up and was really really thirsty so I just got some water and now I'm off to bed. Again. I'm exhausted. Miss you all VERY much! [Espesh mom and dad!]
Much Love.
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