Eventually we made it down to breakfast...at like noon and got something to eat and then we were off on our way to Columbus Circle. We got off at 59th and Lexington [my favorite uptown spot, it's right across from Bloomingdale's!] and headed West towards Central Park. The day was really chilly but it was still nice to just get some fresh upper east side air. Columbus Circle [for those who don't know] is on the west end of Central Park and it's this giant circle driveway-like this but basically it's an up-scale mall. So we went in and there was a borders [I MISS BORDERS!] and a Sephora and a bunch of other stores and we just looked around for a while.

Columbus Circle. Isn't it pretty?!
After shopping there we headed back to the eastern side of Central Park and walked down 5th Ave to 42nd Street because Susan had to exchange our Hannah Montana movie tickets. Which is a funny story. So I think I mentioned how she accidently bought them for 8:10 in the morning instead of 8:10 at night and the lady told us we had to go to the box office. So we get there and we exchange the tickets and when we get home later, Susan finds out they exchanged them for 8:40 in the morning instead of 8:40 at night. She was PISSED.

The poster for the Hannah Movie!!!!
But anyway when we were in Times Square we also went to the Hello Kitty store but I didn't find anything spectacular. I am having lunch next week with Katie to discuss birthday plans though! On our way back from our outing Susan and Fabi stopped to get pizza for dinner and then we all checked our mail. I got a package from my dad with my shampoo and my ear muffs! I also got my Seventeen magazine with Saleesh on it!!!! I'm so excited to read it later. OH! And I got two newspaper articles from Grandma. They were trés interessant! So while Susan and Fabi were eating we all talked about our trip to Texas/Mexico/California with Lindsay.
I don't think I've mentioned that trip before but here's the plan. Fabi said that this summer me and Susan and Lindsay could come stay at her house for like a week and she would take us to Mexico! I've never been to Texas before and I love Fabi's family so I thought this was like supes exciting! Plus then all of us would be able to get together over the summer which would be so fun. And then me and Lindsay were thinking we would try and take a bus or a train or something over to California since I've never been and we'd be so close and then stay there for like 3 days in a hotel or something. Lindsay wants to go to San Diego and I was like "girrrl wherever. I just want to go to California." Who knows, maybe we could even see Kelly there if she was there for a while with her mom.
After we all talked about that I called Kyle since he'd called me twice that day already and we talked for a while and I told him about my day and such. Oh and we talked about how I'm coming home in 19 days! And I told him about this really awesome McFly music video for the song Room On the Third Floor. It's so cool!
When I got off the phone with Kyle I went to get some dinner to go. There was some really delicious pizza with green peppers and tomatoes on it. Mmm! It was tasty bits! While I was eating dinner I hung out with Kayla, Lindsay, Susan and Fabi in the dining room and we all talked and got really crazy and hyper. We started having this really random conversation about the genders of fruits and vegetables. I guess we got started talking about it because Fabi cooked us some soy beans with some salt and we were eating them [they were really yummy by the way!] and I was talking about how I didn't like their furry texture and Fabi was like "Yeah. They're harry little men." And we were like "...wait. WHAT?!" And then we started discussing all the genders of fruits and veggies. And we got into a really heated discussion about whether a Cherry would be a boy or a girl. EVERYONE except Kayla said a girl but Kayla pulled some "I'm an artist and you all are conforming to the man" business. So yeah. We'll never know. Haha. It was SO funny though. I haven't laughed that hard in ages.
Then the girls went to watch Superbad but that's not really my kind of movie so I went back into my room and flipped through my Seventeen and then I called Kyle and we talked for a while. But now I'm dead tired from all the walking so it's off to bed for me. Night all!
Much Love.
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