After class I went to have breakfast with Kayla. I had Cocoa Puffs and some cottage cheese. Mmm! And then Fabi was walking up to the dorm but somehow we miraculously made eye contact so she came and ate with me and Kayla. But then I had to be off to work. It was a pretty busy day for a Tuesday. We listened to Kate Nash like all day and I'm addicted! She's like a British Regina Spektor meets Lily Allen. I really like it. Andddd there were two special packages today! One that my BESTEST BETCH ordered! I loved seeing that one! And one that we shipped to J-14 magazine with two pairs of blue Risky Business sunglasses in them for SEXYZAC to autograph! I wrote on the box "FF hearts Zac and J-14!" Even though SexyZac will totes never see the box. Oh well. But yeah. Work was good, got to spend lots of time with Jen Jen and Amanda. And we got some really cute new prodzzz in! Don't know if they're up on the site yet but definitely be looking for the Pizza Pouch! So cute! OH OH OH! And I got to help Chris pick out some shoes that we're going to order for spring! It was so fun. I got to pick out styles and colors and such.

When I got home from work I checked my emails and all that stuff and then I talked to Kyle VERY briefly. I started doing my Writing homework but then me and Susan decided it was time for dinner. Dinner was pretty yummy. After dinner I checked my mail and I hit the jackpot! I got a letter from my Mom, Stanley [HAHA!] and Auntie Sandy! And they had goodies!

Cute Kleenex!


Card from my Mom!
When I got upstairs, Susan told me that ticketcentral was giving away free tickets to see The Click Five on Thursday night at like 6:00 so we're going to go with Fabi! I first heard the Click Five like sophomore year when they opened for Ashlee Simpson! I don't have any of their new songs but I have their first cd, which I burned for Susan so we can get pumped. Plus it's free! So duh we're going. I finished my Writing homework and then Tina came up and we chatted with Kayla and Susan in the dining room. Kayla brought up how like a month ago I mentioned that 2008 would be the Year of Celeb Deaths. So we decided to make a list of everyone who's not going to live to see 2009. We have a bunch of categories. If anyone is interested in submitting their guesses we'll be more than happy to add more. I would post the list but Kayla has it, so maybe tomorrow. Haha. It was really funny. I've missed Tina. I haven't' seen much of her lately.
OH! And I'm meeting Katie at the Starbucks at 60th and Third [a new one for me!] Saturday around noon to discuss/finalize B-day plans! And I forgot to mention that this morning my mom sent me the best email ever to tell me that had a whole page dedicated to Miley/Hannah. OH OH! And Kelly gave me a new Jo Bro's picture from her Entertainment Weekly. Nick looks really beastly in it.
Anyway. Now I'm off to maybe read some King Lear, put my sweats on and then call Kyle. 2 weeks until my birthday as of tomorrow! I can't believe I'm going to be 19!
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