When I got home I hung out with Susan a bit and then I talked to Fabi and we made some plans for dinner and tomorrow and such. She picked out a Sushi place for us to try for dinner and tomorrow we're having coffee on the steps of the Met and then shopping around uptown. I gotta buy a planner, I have no idea what happened to my old one but I feel lost without it! After chatting with Fab I just checked my emails and such. Lindsay came in to tell me her, Susan and Fabi were going to lunch so I went down with them. I had a yummy salad and some soup! Mmm!
After lunch I came upstairs and flipped through a couple magazines and then decided I would watch every McFly music video ever. So that took a good...forever. Haha. And then I listened to McFly the rest of the day. In other words, I love McFly. I did my Life Science homework. It was only a chapter out of the book. Nothing too serious. Oh! And Lindsay returned my American Apparel shirt for me so I got that all settled. I quite like it. I ended up not getting sushi with the girls because well let's face it. I don't really like sushi that much anyway plus I don't know. I didn't want to spend money on food when I have a meal plan. It just seems sort of wasteful. So I ended up reading some magazines and working on my homework, not very fun, but productive.
And then I came to a HORRID realization. So you know that awful Taylor Swift song called Our Song? ...I really like it. I'M SO ASHAMED TO SAY I ENJOY A TAYLOR SWIFT SONG! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO? I HATE COUNTRY! I don't know. It's really fun to sing. I think that's why I like it. But I mean she's horrible live. I saw her on the Ellen Show.
There's the song in case you haven't heard it. Of course this is the Jewlie version. Haha. It's so hilarious. It even makes ME laugh just watching. But I'm off to chat with Susan darling and find some food! Happy Friday ya'll!
Much Love.
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