Things for me have been looking up a lot lately, even though I'm supes depressed about going back to the city. It feels so surreal. I can't imagine that I'll soon be back to sharing my room with Kelly and having lunch with Susan everyday. I mean of course I've missed my girlies...but I'll be devastated with Kaity and Kyle and my parents. I won't even lie. Just thinking about it for a brief second usually brings tears to my eyes. But I know I"ll get through it. Especially with the prospect of coming home so soon! And speaking of my NYU girlies there's been sort of a scandal about us! I guess Susan went back to the room on Monday to drop off some of her stuff before she heads to Disney World [LUCKY!] and ALL of Juliana's things were gone. All her pictures, her clothes, her shoes, her MATTRESS! EVERYTHING! And we have no idea what happened of what's going on! And to top that Kayla returned to the dorm last night and said all of Juliana's kitchen stuff is gone too! Her food AND her dishes! And the weirdest part is no one seems to know what's happened to her! So hopefully we'll get the scoop soon! I'll keep you posted.
Speaking of Kayla, she called me at 6:40 this morning thinking my phone would be off [of course it wasn't. Lucky me.] and surprisingly just hearing her voice and talking to her sort of woke me up so we talked for a few minutes about the whole Juliana situation. The only thing I can think of is that something happened with her injury so I really really hope she's okay!

I still can't believe I'm finally going back to the city. It's been such a nice long four weeks here. It just makes summer seem that much more appealing. 3 months with no school work, sleeping in, no responsibilities [except find another job!]. It'll be amazing. 2008 has already been such a great year. Heck, the second half of 2007 was INCREDIBLE! And as sad as I am to be leaving everyone here, I know that my life and my dreams are out in New York and that that is the place for me.
Oh! So here's a few of the theme ideas I've come up with. Of course I want to consult with Katie and with Kayla [whom I know will have some ahhhmazing ideas] but I just thought I'd throw a few out there and see what people think. So I've got just like a classic Black and White theme where everything is black and white and everyone dresses black and white and it sounds a bit boring but I dont' want anything TOO extravagant or over the top since it'll just be us girls. Then I've got like this very pink sort of Marie Antoinette meets Juicy Couture sort of girly theme going on [so not the normal me, but definitely could be fun for one night] and I've got like a Paris [not Hilton!] theme idea or like an Audrey Hepburn theme like with stuff from all her movies [so many to choose from!] or a Movie Star Look Alikes [but then I thought this would be very reminiscent of Halloween for us...] and then my last idea is like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party type of thing because it could be cute but it could be more edgy too. Plus we always joke about how we want to have tea and crumpets all the time [Lindsay loves crumpets!]. So yeah. Those are just a few. I'm going to continue brainstorming through the weekend and I'm open to any suggestions from anyone!
And I had to post this because me and my mom were practically to tears about it while watching American Idol last night. I love the auditions. It's the best part.
Today was a good day though. I watched the Ellen Show [been doing that A LOT lately] and then me and Kaity went to Starbucks to get lattes while we waited for Nick to call us to go to lunch. So Nick finally called us at 1:00 and we went to Greg's and saw the lovely Megan McIssac there. And it was so nice, just the three of us laughing and talking. I really love them both. But Kaity had to work at 4:00 so me and Nick went back to my house and watched some OC. And then my mom got home and we talked for a while and then I showed Nick some American Idol clips and we laughed really really hard. He has such a funny laugh. After Nick left Kyle called and wanted to hang out so I went and got him and we got gas and then just hung out at my house looking at old yearbooks and such. It was funny. I'm such a different person now.
So...tomorrow's my last day. UGH. I don't even want to think about the emotional wreck I'll be in. And on that note I'm sure I'll be updating the blog Saturday if not tomorrow! You know you love me.
Much Love.
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