Scandals with Kaity and Natalie at the gazebo in Depot Park late at night!
Anyway. Nothing too scandalous has happened to me. I've just been enjoying our 14 INCHES OF SNOW! Yeah. It's awesome. Kaity and I went sledding with her brothers and it was so much fun. But quite a work out! And I went to Sam's for New Years Eve. That was kind of awkward but really fun. We played Bunco, as usual, and I kicked butt. Seriously. But I was getting way to into it. I was like jumping up and down and screaming like an idiot. But so was Brennen, who proclaimed himself the Tom Brady of Bunco. What a funny kid. And I got to see a bunch of people I hadn't seen since the summer so that was cool. But the weather was horrible and I was stuck driving home and flipping out. I thought I was going to die!

Sam's for New Years

OH! And I saw PS I Love You. It was so good. I highly recommend it. But it was really sad. I cried like 5 times. I could HEAR people crying in the theater. Very heartfelt. Loves it. I miss all my peeps back at Fred Flare. I can't believe all the new items we've gotten in that I'm missing out on. I miss my Jen Jen! And Chris. But speaking of Fred Flare I was checking the blog this morning [like I do every morning since I mega miss my job] and saw this post! http://www1.fredflare.com/blog/?p=1754 GO CHECK IT OUT!

That's right! I was in Teen Vogue with Chelsea! It's the February Issue, page 28. It's from Teen Vogue Fashion U! Chels called me on New Years to tell me and we were flipping out! WE'RE IN TEEN VOGUE! How cool is that?! I mean how many people get to have their picture in the magazine that they someday hope to work for?! I've gotten some comments from people being like "Jewlie, is that YOU!?!" It's really exciting. Me and my mom bought two copies from Walgreens yesterday.
In other Fred Flare news, this is the year we hope to get a store! I'm supes pumped. I'll die if we get a store! It'd be so awesome. Plus more job opportunities for me! It'd be such a cute fun store! I can't even imagine it! Oh. And me and Kaity's new obsession is The Simple Life. Well. I mean duh. I've always been obsessed [HELLO Pars and Nic!] but we watched all of season 4 and now we're moving on to season 5. It's so hilarious! We love the Sanasa song. We sing it all the time. [Love you Silly!]
Other various things include The Jo Bro's declaring another tour starting January 31st! And my mad love for the new Ashlee Simpson song. OH! And the Coach purse I got at the resale store last night for $7.50! It's supes cute. So yeah. I've been fabulous [as I'm sure you can tell] and can't believe that I get to have 2 more weeks here! I'll keep everyone posted on anything else scandalous that happens. [Besides all the scandals that happened on Gossip Girls last night!!!!!!!] You know you love me. XOXO.
Much Love.
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