Let's see...last Monday and Wednesday I visited the high school. It was nice to see Mr. Tice and all the drama kids again. I watched the boys auditions for the musical [South Pacific] and that was really fun. Wednesday was callbacks and so of course I couldn't miss those. Everyone was fabulous but it made me sad that I didn't get to be part of it. I really miss theatre and being at those auditions is what really made me realize that.
Friday my mom skipped work and we went on a shopping extravaganza! I didn't really get much but it was so fun to spend the day with her. Except we kind of ran into a scandal! So we decided to go to this new mall that we'd never been to, so we get there and it's an OUTDOOR MALL [like Rochester but bigger] and we DIDN'T WEAR COATS! And it was like rain/hailing a little! So that was an experience to say the least! But still so fun! And then we had a delicious lunch at CPK. Mmm! So good! Then after I got home I met Kaity and Natalie at Caribou and we were there FOREVERRRRR. But it was awesome. I'm going to miss Caribou so much!
OH! And I found out my Kayla love will be back in the city the 16th so we'll get lots of time to hang out before school starts back up! And she sent me a lovely Gossip Girls picture that I've GOT to share with everyone! OH! And I found me and Chelsea's picture on the Teen Vogue website! Here's the link, it's picture number 9! http://www.teenvoguefashionuniversity.com/tiffany.asp And I had a lovely long chat with Chelsea about college and such. Gotta love that girl. Umm let's see...what else? I am totes missing Gossip Girls already! I watched the last episode with Kaity and my mom. But at least American Idol starts this Tuesday! EEP! Oh and yesterday I got a haircut and went to the library and found the last Gossip Girl...THAT I'VE NEVER READ BEFORE!!!! So exciting! But yes. My new haircut. I know you're all dying to see it!


Gossip Girls! So cute!
So yes. That's all that I can really update you all on. OH OH OH! Except that my grades are in for first semester!
Writing- B [that bobobebe!]
Social Foundations- A-
Latin American Cultures- A-
Cultural Foundations- A
I did pretty darn good if I do say so myself! But yeah. Today not too much going on. I've been lazing around all day [as per usual ALL BREAK] and then I'm going over to Kyle's because it's his little brother's birthday today and we're having cake and then I'm going to Natalie's to watch the new Hannah episode with her and Kaity and then we're visiting Marble Slab Megan for some ice cream! But as usual, I'm off to go...do all sorts of scandalous things. Miss everyone!
UPDATE: Ashley Taylor from Teen Vogue just made this video yearbook for our class! Watch for me, I'm in the first batch of graduates!
Much Love.
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