Today was like a really good day. I don't know why, but I just had like the best of luck today! So first things first: last night I was on Craigs List looking for a summer job and I emailed this lady about a job as a dance instructor. Well she emailed me back this morning asking for my resume and all that and it turns out she's actually like a family friend! And I just happened upon her Craigs List ad for a dance instructor! So I'm most likely teaching little kids at dance camps this summer. There's like a Princess one and a Musical one and then I'm MCing at Clarkston Jr. for their recital. So I have a semi-job. And hopefully I'll get babysitting jobs out of that.
Then last night, while I was bored and just doing nothing I found this thing on Seventeen.Com and it was like "Tell us why you love the Jonas Brothers". So I did it, for lack of anything better to do and I got an email from the assistant to the editor in chief asking me for a headshot because they want to use my quote in an upcoming issue...? HAHA. I was like WTF that's so random. I wasn't even trying. I was just doing it because I was bored. But whatev, it's exciting!
I talked to Kyle a lot this morning about the show and everything. He saw my mom there and she said he was really good. And that I need to feed him more pizza. Which is true. HAHA! Around 2:00 we took off for Sea Port to check out the dorm, etc. It was so lovely out! Here's pictures from South Street Seaport and some of Water Street [our dorm].

Welcome to our new home!

South Street Seaport.

The Sky Line. See our building?!

There it is!

Ships at port.

South Street Mall

Me on the balcony at the mall with the ships. I'm saying "Welcome to where we live!"

Fabi having Chinese for lunch. There were so many Chinese places!

Sue and her Mocha Iced Latte.

Another shot of the Mall.

Going up the escalator!


South Street Seaport.

South Street Seaport. See our building?

The Evil Eye bracelet Fabi got for me, Susan and Lindsay. She's really superstitious and I guess these bracelets are supposed to protect you from evil and envy, but only if you buy them for someone else. Fabi has a ton of them. She's basically obsessed and when she saw these she got one for each of us. Mine's the blue one.

Seating outside our dorm.

Waiting for the bus.
We had lunch in the mall. The mall is so cute! There's a bunch of cute little shops, so it'll be easy to get a job down there. There's Coach, J. Crew, Gap, Victoria's Secret, Claire's, A&F and a bunch of other stores. And a Dunkin Donuts! Me and Susan got Iced Coffees and Lindsay and Fabi got some lunch and we just sat around talked about how excited we are to be living there next year!
When we got back to the dorm we just chilled for a while. I checked my mail and I had a package full of cute striped stuff! I've been hitting the mail motherload! And I got a package from Auntie Sandy with a SUPER cute Hello Kitty nail file and notepad. Loves it! I can't wait for her and my mom to visit. We're going to have so much fun. Even though it's right before finals. Boo.

Then I went with Susan to drop off some theater tickets to her parents up in Times Square. Her dad is hysterical. Seriously. I love Susan's family. So we did that and then we were going to go to Victoria's Secret on 5th but it was 8:00 by the time we got there and it was closed. So then we were like we'll go to Dunkin Donuts. But it was closed too! But it was cool because we were in Union Square and the giant Silent Rave was last night. There were hundreds of people! BTW a Silent Rave is where everyone puts their headphones on and dances to their own music, but in a crowd of a bunch of other people listening to THEIR own music. We have them in Third North sometimes in the South Tower.
Back at the dorm me and Susan watched some of Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants but then we got distracted and just ended up hanging out in the kitchen with Fabi, Lindsay and Lindsay's friend Somers the rest of the night. Oh and Elizabeth and some of her friends stopped by to check out our place. They were mega jealous that it's so amazing. But now I'm off to bed because it's LATE LATE LATE!
Much Love.