
"She's not effing Madonna or Elton John"-Drunken girl, on why Kate Nash was running so late.

Today was a pretty average day. Just mostly homework filled. We talked Glassman into giving us the Social Foundations final on Monday instead of Wednesday so that's good. Gives me a couple extra days to work on it. Other than that class was nothing special. I just worked on my Writing paper like all day. I'm outlining it first before I start like writing it tomorrow. But it's really killing me. Thus the reason this blog is so incredibly short. Hopefully I finish the draft tomorrow or Friday so I can get back to the fun, longer blogs that actually tell stuff I did during the day. But today=paper. Boo.

Oh. And the Kate Nash concert. It was so fabulous! I loved it. She's flipping ADORABLE! And she was like rocking out too. I loved every second of it. Her opening band was hysterical. They're called the Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players, "The World's only family based slideshow indie rock band". Yeah. That basically describes it. They go around to garage sales and stuff and collect old slideshows and then write indie songs based off of the pictures they find. They were such a cute little family. But yeah. Google them because I can't do them justice in writing. And me and Lindsay were pretty close as well. There were loads of drunk people which was kind of annoying yet kind of entertaining. So here's some pics from the concert!

Mia Mollicone [for those of you who know her] is coming into the city this weekend so I'm going to try and see her. But other than that, I'm outie [as Chris and Cher would say].

Much Love.

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