So class goes on and I'm sitting next to my loverrsss Elizabeth and Rana and I'm like "I don't want this draft back. This draft is the worst thing I've ever written." And Professor Diyanni hands me my draft back and I look it over and there's no writing all over it. So I flip to the last page and there it is: "Very well done-Interesting and Persuasive! A." Wait...WHAT?! I was like "Is this a joke?" Seriously. He though I did such a good job that I don't even need to revise it! And I was freaking out about it saying it was the worst draft ever! Like how does that even happen?! Seriously?! But it was like the best feeling ever. It really made my day. I tried to call my parents to tell them but neither of them answered. Boo.
Obviously the walk back to the dorm was a fabulous one since I was in such a good mood! I had half a bagel and some tasty fruit for breakfast and then it was off to work. Work was short. We were really slow today. It was mostly just me and Mo and we talked about dorms at NYU since we have to pick ours tomorrow. Rumors are going around that Thirteenth, Gramercy and Palladium are all almost full. And those are like...our main choices. So we're all a little nervous. But we just have to wait and see what happens.
When I got home I checked my emails and such and I got an email back from this guy from the Green Apple Festival. It's this huge festival that's held every year in honor of Earth day and going green and stuff and it's in a bunch of cities around the United States but one of them is here in Central Park. So a couple of weeks ago I volunteered to work just for the heck of it and the guy emailed me back and I'm in! It's just for fun, I'm not getting anything out of it except the good feeling of knowing I did something good for the planet but I think it'll be nice. It's April 20th from 11-4 and it should be nice out and it's in Central Park so I'm excited! I think Susan might help me too.
I didn't really have any homework so I watched an episode of Lost, listened to some music and talked to Fabi for a while. Then I checked my mail and my juicy sweatshirts came! They're SO cute!

Fabi, Susan and I had dinner and boy was there good food down there tonite! Mozzarella sticks, baby quiches, good salad and tons and tons of good fruit! It was a feast! We were down there for a while just talking and hanging out. The usual. When we came back up we chilled in the dining room with Lindsay and talked about dorms next year and everything. Then I realized it was 8:00 and I had stuff I needed to do so now I'm here, in my room doing the blog. Haha. Hope you all had as good a Tuesday as I did. See you in 5 weeks!
Much Love.
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