Then I get to class and Diyanni's not there, so I just figure he went to Madrid a day early or something. The sub goes "Well the good news is Professor Diyanni is alright. The bad news is he had a heart attack yesterday." No joke, I thought I was going to cry. You guys know how much I love Diyanni. I talk about him ALL THE TIME in the blog. The man is like a 3rd Grandpa to me. He's the sweetest, funniest old man that probably ever lived. The sub was trying to teach us some Walt Whitman poetry when all of a sudden this beeping alarm like the alarm on Lost when they had to push the button every 108 minutes starts going off. Come to find out THE BUILDING IS FLIPPING ON FIRE! WTH. So we all evacuate the building and get the heck out of there.
Me and Elizabeth and Rana decided we were going to visit Professor Diyanni in the hospital later, so we semi-formulated a plan and I came back to the dorm to work on my Social paper and have some breakfast. Debbie emailed me the dates for the dance instructing job this summer and so I finally got my ticket to El Paso! EEP! So I have Jo Bro's on the 5th of July, El Paso from July 8th-13th, HSM Dance Camp from the 14th-18th, Camp Invention the 21st-25th and then Disney Princess Dance Camp from the 28th-1st. Plus the nannying/babysitting job for the Rogowski's. And Im still looking for like a normal job. HAHA.
Work was pretty good. DIANE WAS BACK! I missed her so much! She brought tasty treats from China. Mmm! We didn't have very many orders and Mo helped me pack so I was done with everything by like 3:00. I hung around a little later though to hang out with Jen, Mo, Amanda and Natasha. Amanda showed me her new Marc Jacobs shoes that she got at Beacon's Closet [this really awesome second hand shop in Williamsburg] and we talked about American Idol and skateboarding and free cone day.
When I got back from work Elizabeth called me and told me she was ready to go see Diyanni with Rana and that Zac was going to come with us. First me and E headed over to Ben and Jerry's to get some free ice cream! We both got cookie dough. Mmm! Then we all headed uptown to visit Diyanni with some flowers and a card. We got MEGA lost in the hospital but eventually we found his room and OMG he had the BEST view EVER! He had a room all to himself with this giant window with a really nice view of the East River. But he was so surprised to see us and he was in GREAT shape. The man is amazing. He is trying to come back to class on Tuesday but we'll se about that.
Anyway. Our visit with Professor Diyanni was so fun. He's hysterical and his wife is so nice. She kept asking us where we're from and what our majors are and trying to get us job connections and telling us to visit their son who lives like 2 blocks from our dorm. She was so cute and funny. And we stayed a long time. Almost an hour. But then we headed back to the East Village and hit up Free Cone day again! This time me and E got Mint Chocolate Chip! So good! We had dinner too and ended up talking until 8:00!
Some pictures from this past Saturday.
All our purchases.
Me being awkward.
Possibly MORE awkward.
Awww I love my girls!
So cute!

Basically I had a super long day and am just gonna go watch an episode of Lost and relax. Tomorrow starts mass Social Foundations paper writing. My goal is to finish it before my mom gets here on Friday. EEK! So much to do. Time is flying by so fast. I can't believe Monday is already our Cinco de Mayo party/Kayla's last night in the dorm. It's crazy! But I'm off to watch Lost and just relax.
Much Love.
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