Today was pretty uneventful. Just classes and work. We got assigned our Social Foundations final. So expect that to be taking over my life for the next week until it's due. Work was pretty slow for a Monday. I got out a half hour early. Diane comes back tomorrow! It's basically all we can talk about at FF. Well that and how excited we are for tonite's episode of Gossip Girl! I talked to Jen for a while and she was telling me how over the weekend she was moving her stuff out of the warehouse and there were like swarms of those nasty big old Water Bugs all over her clothes and stuff. She said there was Water Bug poop everywhere and that it was blue because they ate the rat poison. She was like "I think I found the first generation of Water Bugs because the smallest one was the size of my thumb!" EEK! I'm so glad I wasn't there. She said she took all the stuff straight to the cleaners because Pete was like "You better pay me $100 for every Water Bug you bring into our apartment". Jen was like telling me how she didn't want to disturb Keith and Chris while she did it and she she was like silently flipping out every time she saw one.
When I got home from work I checked my emails and such. Nothing too exciting, and then I had dinner with Elizabeth. I loveeeee her. We talked about the new scandalous Miley Cyrus photos and Gossip Girls/The Hills tonite! And then I came back upstairs and started my Social Foundations final. It is like the definition of a bobobebe. Look at the length of the questions/prompt!

So I got 1/5 of it done. Not a huge accomplishment, but it's a start. I'm gathering quotes for the next section that I'm working on. My goal is to have it finished BEFORE mom gets here on Friday. Yeah. Good luck to me. But now I'm off to watch Gossip Girl and The Hills! EEP! So exciting! You know you love me.
Much Love.
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