Unfortunately the weather SUCKED big time. Espesh in comparison to the past two days. It was completely foggy cloud city and it was only 50 degrees. Naturally I only wore a hoodie and just about froze to death. I had the HARDEST time getting to the stage in the park because the darn Pope was staying across the street from the entrance. First, I got off the subway at 68th and Lex, I walked across to Park and discovered I couldn't cross the street. I had to walk all the way up 76th and then over and then back down to 72nd. Then the police told me that I couldn't enter the park there and that I had to walk back up to 79th and enter there. So I did that and then I had to walk all the way back down to 72nd again! It was crazy. I got so frustrated I almost was like not gonna go.

Eventually I got to the right tent and they didn't have any smalls left so I got stuck with a giant medium. But the shirts were really cute. There were 2 other girls volunteering there and they were both really nice so we all got along well. We were in the information/artist merch tent with these people from Soy Joy. Holy Mother of God. I have fallen in love with Soy Joy bars. Seriously. I think I could live off of them forever. I'm not even joking. And they were handing them out by the hand fulls so I took a couple for the dorm as well.
We also got free Starbucks. Mmm! And some free Burts Bees stuff, a coloring book, some mints and various other free things. I love free stuff! But yeah. If the weather had been nice it would have been the best day ever. It was still awesome though. The bands were all really good. And Kevin Bacon was in one of them. And we got to meet him. So that was cool. HAHA. But yeah we ended up having two shifts so I was done by 1:30.
So I'm like, "alright I really have to go to the bathroom so it's a good thing that I'm getting out early." I VERY briskly walk down to 68th and over to Park...and it's closed again. Because the Pope was going to be driving down the Avenue to the WTC site. Like legit ALL of Park Ave was closed down. So I had to wait 20 minutes for the Pope to get his butt down Park Ave. and let me tell you. I HAD TO PEE REAL BAD! But I saw the Pope. So that's cool I guess.

Finally I got home and I watched some Lost. Like 3 hours of Lost. Then I had a Soy Joy bar and talked to Kyle for a little while about the cast party and such. Apparently there was dramzzz. Quel Surprise. But Kyle had to go do his homework so I went on the computer and did randomness and now all of a sudden it's 8:20. HAHA. I didn't do any homework this weekend. I'm screwed on my Writing Paper. I wanted to get so much done on it this weekend and I didn't do anything. I'm really kicking myself about that. Plus I wont' have a lot of time to work on it next weekend because on Saturday Susan is taking us to the Outlets on Long Island because there's a Juicy one! But the paper is 10 pages. UGHHH. I'm so screwed.
Tomorrow is Monday. Boo.
Much Love.
1 comment:
Thats so cool you got to see the pope! but dood you walked so much! ahh crazyness.
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