Work was LONGGGGG! For some reason we accumulated 556 orders over the weekend. That is like of Christmas proportions! Seriously! It was madness! I get into work and there are bins full of orders everywhere because there isn't enough room on the table. But with the help of Mo, Jen and Chris, we got it done! But it took until 4:30 and Darius had to come pick stuff up because the UPS guy came way too early. It was so nice to have Chris packing orders again. He always keeps things lively. Plus he cracks me up with all his antics.
More proof that I have the best bosses ever.
Jen and I had a little...encounter. I was packing one of the last orders and all of a sudden I scream and like flip out and Jen's like "OMG What's wrong?!" And I turn the box upside down and the BIGGEST WATER BUG EVER falls out and starts running around the table and Jen is freaking out, and I'm freaking out and it's madness. So Jen's like "Alright. We gotta get it." So she grabs my cup of water and we start chasing the bug around the tables trying to catch it. We finally do, and it like FLIPS OUT! It's in the fetal position wrathing around like someone put the Crutatious spell on it! It was really gross and me and Jen couldn't hardly stand to look at it. We finished boxing the orders and then Jen was like "alright. We're going to trap it in a box, tape it up and throw it out. This is called Team Work!" So we catch it and Jen tapes that box up like I've never seen ANYONE tape a box up before and we got rid of it. But it caused a lot of commotion.
I had to stay late at work because we were so busy and it took me a long time to restock all the boxes but I got off at like 5:30. Elizabeth had texted me to call her so I did and we decided to watch Gossip Girl [EEP! NEW EPISODE!] together tonite and then work on homework for an hour and then watch The Hills. So I'm supes excited for that! She just lives at U-Hall so it's not far at all. Fabi and Susan both have plans tonite which is why I'm watching it at Elizabeth's. Plus I know if I don't watch it that everyone at work will be talking about it tomorrow!
When I got home I had an email reply from Mr. Rogowski about babysitting Kate and Renee this summer. Their mom, Mary, had emailed me back saying her and the girls both remembered me and loved me and that she was looking for a babysitter to watch them all day once a week and then definitely in the evenings a couple times a week too. So I called her back and it's all set! I'm excited because I love Kate and Renee so much! They were so cute! And they're both going back to Camp Invention this summer as well. Mary's going to email me later, like in May, letting me know what day they want me for and all that jazz and so yes...I'm excited!

You know you love me.
But I have to go work on some homework before I head over to Elizabeth's so I'll talk to you all tomorrow!
Much Love.
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