Then we got watching videos on YouTube and the next thing you know it was like 12:30 and I needed to get in the shower so we could go to Victoria's Secret. It was such a nice walk there, except it was the weekend so there were hoards of people everywhere. I bought this really cute yellow shirt. Yellow is one of my new favorite colours to wear. And Susan got a bunch of stuff with her gift cards and all that.

I was really bored so I decided to decorate my hand with Milky Pens that my Aunt Jan sent me. HAHA.
When we got back I did some laundry, had dinner with Fabi and then since then I've pretty much just watched some Lost and just been lazing around. Kelly is having boy troubles and so I burned her a mix cd to help her cheer up. And now it's like 11:00 and I think I'm going to go watch a movie with Susan, Lindsay and Fabi. OH! My wishbone charm came today. It's so cute. I love it!

So yes. Tomorrow is Sunday. I'm volunteering at the Green Apple Festival. I'm only semi-looking forward to it. The weather is going to be beautiful but I'm really tired and I kind of wish I could sleep in tomorrow. Ohhh well. I can't believe another week is already over. Crazy!
Much Love.
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