In Writing we watched Leave It To Beaver. I've never seen it before. I'm not really missing out on anything. But it was funny to see what people used to like to watch on TV. And we got an assignment back and I got a Check that's gotta be good as well. Haha. After Writing I hauled my butt to Fred Flare and miraculously made it there at 1:00 on the dot. I was really proud of myself. We were really busy today. Business is so great lately. I got to catch up with Jen and Chris and their weekends/superbowl stuff. OH! I almost forgot to say that! Giants [New York] won the Superbowl last night and it was CRAZY here! I could hear people in the streets yelling until nearly 1:00 in the morning! And we're having a parade tomorrow to celebrate. In the apartment building kitty corner from ours the walls are all glass and I could see 7 TVs watching the game and every once in a while when we would score people would get up and jump around. It was so funny! But I loved it.
So yeah I got to talk to Jen and Chris and such. Nothing too exciting at work. However I knocked a bunch of boxes down and Chirs was like "You Justin Timber-laked my boxes!" Which I found pretty hilarious. I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff. I worked all the way until 5:00 and I was mega tired so I headed home and met Kayla, Susan, Fabi and Lindsay for dinner. It was so delicious! Except the fro-yo machine was busted. Boo. It was nice to have us all at the dinner table. Then we checked out mail, I didn't anything. Boo again.

Wishing this Cupcake were real.
After all that I worked on some Writing homework, checked my mail and talked to Susan and had some hot chocolate. Currently I'm trying to figure out what I"m going to wear to the Spice Girls concert on Wednesday. I might go to Forever21 tomorrow with Susan and look for something to wear. But it depends how tired I am after work and such. OH! I almost forgot to mention my bad dream last night. It's a funny one. Well now it's funny. I dreamed I woke up and put some makeup on and asked Kayla how I looked and she said "Good. But you need different makeup now that you're a brunette." And I was like "WKSDJFJSDFL?! WHAT?!" And I looked in the mirror and my hair was completely chocolate brown. And I flipped out. And I was like "Omg. How did this happen?! Kelly must have put stuff on my pillowcase and when I rolled over in my sleep it made my hair brown!" And then I woke up. So weird. Haha. Anyway. I'm off to watch an episode of Lost and then talk to Kyle. See you in 10 days!
Much Love.
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