Then it was off to Writing where we started watching this movie called Far From Heaven. So far it's really good. I quite like it. After class I headed back to the dorm and had lunch with Lindsay, Fabi and Susan. Except there was a bit of a scandal. I had this really tasty veggie lasagna but it had BROCCOLI in it! In case you don't know my stomach does NOT like broccoli. So I felt nauseous the entire rest of the day and feared I would be sick for the concert.

While I was not feeling well I worked on a little homework, watched some Lost and got ready for the concert! Luckily I had a miraculous recovery and felt better by the time we met Susan at the Union Square Station. And OH MY GOODNESS was it a mad rush! So Susan got out of her class at 4:45 and we had to get to Penn Station [34th and 7th Ave.] by 5:13 to make the 5:13 train. So Susan RAN to Union Square we got on the Subway and then ran like 5 more blocks to get to Penn and we made it there at like 5:12. It was INSANE! But exciting because it was my first time on a train in New York. So we took the Train to Jamaica and then that to Floral Park which is in Long Island which is where Susan lives!

Susan's dad picked us up and we got to go over to her house and see puppy Sadie! She's SO CUTE! And we had dinner there. Susan's family is hilarious. Espesh her dad. He was cracking everyone up. And Susan's sister Amanda was JUST how Susan always describes her. So it was cool to meet the Harringtons. Then it was off to the Nassau Colosseum and we were running pretty late. But in the end it didn't matter since the concert started an hour and 10 minutes late anyway. The merch was SO CUTE! I really wanted to get something but everything at concerts is so overpriced.
I ended up sitting next to three empty seats and 2 guys who looked like they were probably 24 and stoned. And I was flipping out because I was like "this is not going to be enjoyable". They weren't even excited! But luckily when the concert started there was ONE empty seat in the row in front of me and the girls on either side of it said I could sit there. So that was lucky!

The concert was AMAZING. No joke. I cried during the first number. THAT'S how epifabical it was. They played all the classics and they did 2 songs from the CD after Ginger quit the band and they each did their own special little performance too. Baby's was my favorite, she did a little Mod number. So cute! Anyway. The costumes were fabulous, the whole audience was WAY into it and the whole thing was just awesome. I loved it. It meant so much to me that I got to go because I never got to see them when I was younger and this is the last chance I'll ever get. But really. It was PHENOMENAL.
Much Love.
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