Then it was off to lab. This was our first real lab in science but it ended up being pretty easy. It was like an online module thing and it wasn't that hard it just took a while. The printer was out of paper and toner so we had to email it to ourselves to print at home. Which sucks for the following reason: my didn't send. Yeah. So I got home to go work on my other 2 science homework questions which we were supposed to attach on the end of our lab and I went to open the email and it wasn't there. And I had to do the WHOLE THING OVER AGAIN. I was so pissed. It took me an hour and I'd JUST done it! But I sucked it up and did it and then I finished the other two questions as well so I don't have any homework this weekend.
After that little fiasco I made some tea and talked to Kelly for a while. We were looking at clothes online. Abercrombie has some really cute new stuff in. Then I was going to watch the Atlanta auditions from American Idol but the link was down so I watched some Lost instead. When Lost was over I hopped in the shower and then I went to dinner with Fabi and Susan. They had egg rolls. Mmm! Which reminds me! Me and Mom never had the good chinese when I was home over Christmas break, so we MUST get it when I'm home for my birthday! Which is in a week! Oh and Sam tagged me in a few more pictures. These are from Prom. I love how my mom is in one. So funny!

Anyway after dinner we came back up and watched Spice World in Susan's room with Kayla. I still know like every line. Haha! And when Spice World was over I called Nick back [he'd called me during the movie] and we FINALLY got to talk to each other. We've been playing phone tag for like a week now. So that was nice. We had a good talk and then I called Kyle and he told me about his snow day and such. But now I'm off to bed so I'll see you in a week!
Much Love.
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