So I run out the door and I miss the L Train by like literally 3 seconds. So then I have to wait for another one. And when it finally gets here it stops half way to the first stop because the train in front of it was stopped. Then I have to wait like 6 minutes for the G Train which leaves me like 5 minutes to walk the 13 blocks to Fred Flare. And of course as I'm coming out of the station my umbrella breaks. Just completely busts. And it's raining. So I'm like "Fabulous." Luckily Kyle called me because he had a snow day so I talked to him on the way there instead of silence.
WE WERE SO BUSY AT WORK TODAY! It was ridiculous! We got like a million orders in. And we started whole sale with the Risky Business sunglasses and some person ordered 100 pairs! Yeah. I had to pack that. It was crazy. And someone ordered 35 Cloud Hangers! Madness! But yeah. It was good to see my Jen Jen and Coors Light. Nothing too scandalous happened at work.
When I got back from work I went to Starbucks because I was exhausted and then I checked my mail and I hit the motherload! I got 2 letters from my mom and a birthday card from Anne Marie! It was VERY exciting! And I wrote letters to Anne Marie, Auntie Sandy and Kyle. OH! And my other half, Chelsea!

Then I got ready for the HANNAH MOVIE! And Susan's friend came in and we went to Rocket Wraps for dinner. Mmm! I had a DELICIOUS Caesar wrap and omg it was TO DIE FOR. We ate it up in the dorm and I hung out with Susan and Alyssa before it was time for the movie. When we got to the theater was a little bit of a line but it wasn't too bad and we were all REALLY anxious. But it was SO AMAZING. It was epifabical. It was like the definition of epifabical. They even showed some previews in 3D for upcoming 3D movies! But omg. When the movie started. I seriously teared up. It was just like so much fun and everyone in the theater was singing and dancing in their seats and clapping after the songs and it all just looked SO REAL. It felt like I was really there. And when the Jonas Brothers came on. I literally died. I was like "OMG THE JONAS BROTHERS!" and the people behind us were laughing. And Nick touched some of the audiences hands and I was like "OMG THEY JUST TOUCHED NICK!" And Susan kept looking at Joe and being like "I love him." It was so fun. And Miley was so cute and funny and she has the best costumes and ugh. I just wish I could have been there. I swear to God. I WILL see the Jo Bro's if it's the last thing I do.

3D glasses!
So when the movie was over we headed back to the dorm and it was so nice out [especially compared to all the rain earlier] like it was WARM out. And when we got back we told Kayla about the movie and talked to Fabi and Lindsay and then they went to watch 27 Dresses on Lindsay's lap top and now I'm about to go call Kyle and tell him about the movie and such. OMG! But! I almost forgot. So Kayla went out to dinner with her friend [who by the way is UNBELIEVABLY GOOD LOOKING] and when they were out in Saint Marks SHE SAW BENJAMIN MCKENZIE! FROM THE OC! RYAN ATWOOD! I literally was screaming in the kitchen when she told us that. So technically I've met Adam Brody through the 3rd degree because I know Kayla and she met Ben and he knows Adam. EEP!
Well I'm off to call Kyle and go to bed since I'm meeting Katie in the morning for coffee and then have a big day of shopping and Pinkberry with the girls. Night all!
Much Love.
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