HAHA. I was REALLY loopy because it was so late but I just couldn't sleep!
After breakfast I read my Harper's Bazaar and then my Glamour magazine and cut out all the good pictures which was very relaxing. Except then Morgan came over and her, me and Lindsay worked on our Life Science Presentation. Which took FLIPPING FOREVER! But we got the whole thing done, which is way good. And a huge relief. And I like Morgan. She's really funny. And nice. And duh. I love Lindsay too.
When Morgan left I went to do laundry with Susan and then we got some boxes to go because I had 6 meals left for today. So I got some bread, bagels, peanut butter and cereal. And some apples! Mmm! But me and Susan had to search FOREVER to find open washers and dryers. It was insane. But we eventually got our laundry going and then I came back upstairs and started to work on my museum assignment for Professor Diyanni. When our wash was done we went to put stuff in dryers and there were NO dryers! We had to wait around for this other person's clothes to be done and then put them on a table and put our stuff in. Except for then one of the machines wouldn't work, so then we had to find ANOTHER machine and take THAT person's stuff out and then take our stuff out of the other machine that wouldn't work, and then put THAT person's stuff back in the original dryer. It was crazy. But the point is, we did laundry.
Halfway through my museum assignment Lindsay and Fabi got back from tanning and we all went to dinner with Susan downstairs. They had spaghetti! And breadsticks. Mmm! So we al ate and chatted and such and then we all got some more boxes to go because we all had leftover meals. I got more cereal and more apples. We decided we wanted to watch a movie because it was early and we were all feeling lazy and Lindsay rented three movies. So we watched the Mandy Moore movie. It was called Dedication. At first we all HATED it, but then it got really good and I actually really really liked it.
I wore my Jo Bro's shirt today in honor of Kaity and Natalie's Jo Bro's concert tonite. And I'm listening to them right now! Except it's the first cd. Which apparently isn't even in print anymore. But I kind of like it. Haha. Even though they sound like...really really young. OH! My charger STILL didn't come today. So now I'll have to wait until Monday. Boo. Hopefully my phone can make it! AND AND AND Kaity called me during "When You Look Me in the Eyes" when Nick was singing. It was epifabical. But now I'm off to talk to Kyle and go to bed early because I hardly got any sleep last night. T-minus 2 weeks and 5 days Clarkston!
Much Love.
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