Then on Friday I went shopping with my mom at 12 Oaks and bought some FABULOUSLY ON SALE new clothes. I got 2 turtlenecks, a pair of navy cords and a purple hooded long sleeved shirt from Delias, a dress from Pacsun, a plaid skirt, a navy polo and a red tank top from Abercrombie Kids and a hoodie and some legwarmers from Hollister. I missed Hollister. And basically everything we bought was on sale! Actually now that I think about it everything WAS on sale. Which is really lucky. So yeah. Me and mom shopped around and then we had lunch at the Coney Island and it was SO tasty bits. After shopping my mom dropped me off at Betch's house and we went to Borders with Brittany and David. It was actually really fun and completely not awkward. Which is not what me and Kaity anticipated. At all. OH! And when we dropped off David I got to see Anne Marie which was supes fun too!
On Saturday I went over to Kyle's house in the afternoon and we hung out there for a while with his family and his brothers and we went to Caribou. Which was amazing. Because I love Caribou. Like...a lot. And then after that I went home and my dad made spaghetti for dinner! Mmm! So we had dinner together which was really nice and then me and mom went to see 27 Dresses! It was so good! I loved it. It was a lot funnier than I thought it would be. After 27 Dresses we decided to watch All I Wanna Do at home, which is this indie movie that takes place in the 60's and it has Kirsten Dunst and it's really funny. My mom liked it too.
Sunday me and Kyle went over to the other house to paint some closets. It was really funny because one of the closets was like McDonald's yellow and this really obnoxious bright blue color. And we had to paint it white! So it took a long time but we were a good team. And Kyle told me multiple times that he actually had fun. PLUS we got to have pizza for lunch. Which in a way was unfortunate because then I went to Hungry Howie's for dinner with Kaity and Natalie so I had pizza twice! We were going to visit Marble Slab Megan but she called in sick. Boo. Then Kaity and Natalie came over and we watched some of The Princess Diaries and some TV and they slept over. It was really fun!
In the morning we played this really fun game called Bananagrams. It's like Scrabble. Only different. Duh. But we were getting crazy and it was really funny. Then I just sort of hung around the house for most of the day packing and such. At 5:00 I met Kaity at Caribou because we were SUPPOSED to meet Nick but he couldn't come. So we were there for like an hour and a half and then I went over to Kyle's and we watched Pride and Prejudice. He really liked it. And duh. I love it. It's my favorite Jane Austen novel.
And that brings me to today. Which is always the hardest of days when I come home because it's leaving day. I met Kaity and Nick at Starbucks at 9:30 this morning and we hung out and chatted. It was really fun. I missed Nick a lot. He's such a funny kid. After Starbucks I went to say goodbye to Kyle really quick. It was pretty hard. But I'll be back in 22 days. So it's not that bad. Plus I have midterms coming up and everything as well. So it'll go by really fast. And my daddy made me grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch with a giant pickle! It was SO SO SO TASTY BITS! And we all ate together. Which was really nice again. And now I'm updating the blog because I know I'll be in too horrible a mood later once I'm back in New York to update anything. The first night is always the hardest. But lucky for me my Writing class got canceled tomorrow so I only have two classes which isn't bad at all. Oh. And Sam tagged me in these photos on Facebook.



Homecoming senior year.
So yeah. I'm off to relax before I leave for the airport. Wish me a good flight and I'll see you all REAL soon. Promise.Much Love.
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